Standing Committees
Standing Committees
Merritt’s Standing Committees are authorized to render consideration on an issue and to provide a recommendation to one or more of the four constituency groups listed below for discussion, deliberation, and action.
Merritt College Standing Committees:
Purpose: The Accreditation Committee advises the Accreditation Liaison Officer (VPI) and is responsible for defining characteristics of quality and excellence and for presenting evidence (through the College’s self-evaluation report) that such quality and excellence are being achieved. The Committee is also responsible for monitoring and examining the progress of recommendations made by the accreditation evaluation team. Twice annually, progress reports will be given to College Council and reflected in the institutional planning process. Annual progress reports will be given to the Academic Senate, Classified Senate and ASMC.
Budget Committee
The Merritt College Budget Committee (CBC) is a shared governance committee of the College designated to act as an advisory body to the President of Merritt College in matters relating to budget development processes, procedures and the allocation of funds. The College President and the CBC shall consult on all major budget issues before a decision is made by the College President.
Council of Department Chairs and Program Directors
The Council of Department Chairs & Program Directors (CDCPD) is an advisory body to both the Merritt Academic Senate and the Vice President of Instruction on all matters relating to instruction.
Facilities Committee
The College Facilities Committee (CFC) is a subcommittee of the College Council that is designated to act as an advisory body to the President of Merritt College via the College Council in matters relating to campus facilities (including renovations, remodels, and use of Bond funds designated for facilities and the physical environment). The College President shall consult with the College Council on all major facilities issues before a decision is made by the College President.
Financial Aid Petition Committee
Purpose: Review petitions from students who are not eligible to receive Financial Aid based upon academic performance.
Graduation Committee
Purpose: Plan and coordinate all aspects of the College’s annual graduation.
Health and Safety Committee
Purpose: The Health and Safety Committee, in coordination with District Risk Management, is responsible for developing a disaster preparedness plan for the campus, facilitating disaster preparedness training, identifying health and safety issues for the campus and recommending solutions, recommending health and safety policies, programs and protocols for the campus and developing preventative health programs and training for the campus.
Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC)
Purpose: The College Educational Master Planning Committee (CEMPC) is a shared governance committee of the College Council. It is based on college data and input from shared governance constituencies; CEMPC recommends annual institutional priorities to strengthen program practices to maintain quality instruction and services and improve student achievement and learning.
Leadership Council (formerly the Shared Governance Committee)
Purpose: The primary reason for the Leadership Council is to foster communication among the governance constituencies from the campus. This allows for the prioritization of topics/issues within the campus community.
Professional Development Committee (PDC)
Purpose: The Professional Development Committee plans, develops, coordinates, reviewsand evaluates all of the professional development activities that take place at the College. The Committee is responsible for planning Flex Day activities for the scheduled District- wide days as well as local, college-wide, on-going Professional Development activities. The Committee establishes priorities and procedures and makes advisory recommendations in each of the following areas: collaborative/special projects, institutional subscriptions and memberships, individual travel and conferences, tuition reimbursement, and unique staff development needs of counselors and librarians. The Committee supervises the Sabbatical Leave Process for faculty conducts workshops, evaluate sand approves applications with recommendations to the College President and the Chancellor and oversees the Retraining Leave Process for faculty. The Committee will issue bi-annual yearly reports to the College Community and the District Officer of Staff Development: on expenditures, funding priorities, procedures, deadlines, activities, schedules of meetings, attainment of goals, needs assessments, etc.
Scholarships and Awards Committee
Purpose: The Scholarships and Awards Committee, coordinated by the Peralta Foundation, reviews and evaluates applicants and/or candidates to receive the PCCD Chancellor’s Trophy Award, scholarships and awards.
Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee (SLOAC)
Purpose: The Student Learning Outcomes & Assessment Committee (SLOAC) is charged with keeping track of assessment work, organizing professional development activities, reviewing data, and educating the college.
Student Equity and Achievement Committee (SEA)
Purpose: The Student Equity and Achievement Committee is responsible for overseeing student success and student equity funds and activities. When appropriate, decisions requiring campus-wide input will be vetted through the collegial decision making process.
Merritt Technology Committee (MTC)
Purpose: The Merritt Technology Committee (MTC) is a subcommittee of the College Council that is designated to act as an advisory body to the President of Merritt College via the College Council in matters relating to campus Information Technology.
Ad Hoc Committees
Ad Hoc Committees at Merritt are committees that are formed for a specific task, and dissolved (or retired) after the completion of the task.
Some examples of Ad Hoc Committees
• Accreditation Follow Up Committee
• Student Grievance Committee
• Others as assigned and developed