Committee Charge

The charge of the College Budget Committee is to (1) advise on the development of budgetary policies, processes and timelines; (2) receive and review budget proposals from departments and/or program areas; (3) review and recommend the overall College Budget with respect to Unrestricted General Funds (Funds 1 thru 10), Instructional Equipment, CTE, Instructional Supplies, Discretionary Funds, Facilities Revenues and other cash receipts, and funding available for vacant faculty and classified positions; (4) recommend funding priorities (except as noted below in #’s 5 & 6) for overall college budget; (5) review as “Information Item Only” Classified and Faculty Vacancy Prioritization; (6) review as “Information Item Only” Categorical Funding (i.e., DSPS, EOPS/CARE, Matriculation); (7) sponsor budget orientation workshops for the College community; and (8) engage in self-directed study, to meet its regulatory obligations under Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, and to maintain authority delegated by the State Chancellor’s Office; (10) review as “Information Item Only” Measure A Request (Approved & Denied) (standing agenda item); (11) To review FTES (Full Time Equivalent Students)/FTEF (Full Time Equivalent Faculty) as it relates to budget. (standing agenda item)

Committee Meetings

Meeting Every 3rd Wednesday from 3-5 pm

Committee Members


Marie Amboy
Rebecca Uhlman

Voting Membership

Tauheeda Anderson
Lilia Chavez
Maya Henderson
Victor Littles
Phasasha Pharr
Lilian Pires
Thomas Renbarger
Denise Richardson
Derrick Ross
Linnea Willis