Student Learning Outcomes & Assessment Committee (SLOAC)
SLOAC meets on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of every month from 1:30-3:00pm in S435
Assessment is an ongoing process aimed at understanding and improving student learning. It involves:
- making our expectations explicit and public;
- setting appropriate criteria and high standards for learning quality;
- systematically gathering, analyzing and interpreting evidence to determine how well performance matches these expectations and standards;
- a using the resulting information to document, explain, and improve performance.
When[assessment] is embedded effectively in larger institutional systems, assessment can help to focus our collective attention, examine our assumptions and create a shared culture dedicated to assuring and improving the quality of higher education.” (Thomas A. Angelo)
What is a learning outcome?
Learning outcomes are the skills and/or knowledge that a student can expect to have upon completion of a specific educational task (course, program, degree, etc.). There are different levels of outcomes: course, program, and institutional. There area also outcomes for student services and administrative units.
Every college uses slightly different terms to describe the types of learning outcomes. Merritt College uses the following terms:
- Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) to describe learning outcomes for courses
- Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) to describe learning outcomes for degrees and certificates
- Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs) to describe the learning outcomes for all Merritt College students who transfer or earn a degree or certificate.
- Additionally, Service Area Outcomes (SAOs) describe the learning outcomes for student services and administrative units.
Why are learning outcomes used?
Learning outcomes are assessed on a regular cycle in order to ensure that our students are meeting our stated goals and to continually improve the quality of the instruction and services that we provide.
Who does the assessment work?
Everyone at the college is engaged in assessment work. Click here for a variety of examples of assessment work.
How often are learning outcomes assessed?
All outcomes are assessed at least once every three years. Three years cycles have been developed for all courses and programs to ensure that assessment work is continuous and current.
Where is all of the assessment data kept?
Coruse SLOs are a part of all course outlines. They, along with assessment data, are documented in Taskstream. Taskstream allows collection of assessment data in one location.
Who is charged with organizing assessment work for the college?
The Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment Committee (SLOAC) is charged with keeping track of assessment work, organizing professional development activities, reviewing data, and educating the college. SLOAC meets twice monthly. In addition, college administration and department chairs play key roles in planning and keeping track of outcomes assessments in their areas.