
It is the mission of the Office of Planning, Research & Institutional Effectiveness (PRIE) to provide data, information, and analyses to Merritt College in support of institutional decision making, planning and evaluation of services provided to the students and community.


  1. Help to foster a college-wide culture of evidence-based dialogue and self-reflection.
  2. Encourage data-driven decision making and conversations that ultimately improve assessment, institutional effectiveness, and student learning.

Service Area Outcome

  1. Effectively respond to data and analysis requests from students, faculty, staff, and administration.
  2. Systematize data reporting and publishing.
  3. Facilitate information sharing and data-based discussions across the campus

Research & Data Request

The Office of Research & Planning supports the practice of evidence-based inquiry and decision-making that contributes to an integrated and continuous improvement plan for student success.  Please submit requests for data at least 2 weeks in advance.  When necessary, the President’s Office will determine the prioritization of requests.  For further information for data request e-mail Nathan Pellegrin @ npellegrin@peralta.edu.

Click here to open the research request form.

Transfer Level Completion Dashboard (State Chancellor’s Office)

Increases in the Number of Students Successfully Completing of Transfer Level Math and English Among African-American and Latinx Groups

Enrollment Trends and COVID-19 Impact Report

Impact of AB 705 Implementation on Completion of Transfer Math and English (Fall 2020)


Student Achievement Dashboards

April 2020 Peralta Student Technology Needs Survey Results: CLICK HERE 

2019-22 Equity Report Executive Summary: CLICK HERE 

Student Demographic Profile: CLICK HERE 

Student Course Completion Data: CLICK HERE

Degrees and Certificate Trends: CLICK HERE

Career Education Programs: Use this resource to compare labor market trends for your program’s occupation: CLICK HERE

Equity Dashboard: Use this dashboard to look at the disproportionate impact on course success rates. See the instructions document for details on how to use the dashboard.