For the most up-to-date class schedule information, search for classes here, or click on the following buttons. Also, scroll down for more information.

Click Here for Program Map Explorer

Important Note: These class schedules are for Merritt College Students, once you identify the desired class to enroll in, please visit the Peralta Admissions & Records website to complete your enrollment process. However, if you are not a Merritt College Student, fill out our application for admissions here.

Latest Class Schedules

View or download a copy of our schedules.
Note that information has changed since the printing of the Class Schedule. Using the search for classes link above will provide the most updated and accurate information.


Click here for Spring 2025 Class Schedule

Current Merritt College Catalog


Click here for 2024-2025 Merritt College Catalog

Program Maps

Click here for Program Maps

What are program maps?

Program maps represent one possible pathway to completing a program. The courses presented may or may not be appropriate depending on your specific goal. Please see an academic counselor develop an individual education plan specific to your goal. The maps are not a guarantee of course availability or financial aid applicability.

Find easy steps to Apply and Enroll for Spring 2025 classes HERE. 
(To skip steps and enroll directly, click HERE

Find the most accurate, up-to-date list of classes HERE. 

Find Archived Merritt College Catalog HERE. 

Search for classes HERE