Inter-Club Council (ICC)

The Inter-Club Council (ICC)  is recognized and funded by the Associated Students of Merritt College (ASMC). It consists of elected representatives from the various campus clubs. ICC meetings are held during the term on Zoom. Our meetings provide a forum for clubs to discuss upcoming events and ideas, vote on funding proposed events and collaborate regarding student issues.

Below are the clubs that are chartered for Fall 2024:

Student Club Name Contact Email
Hemp Education & Employment Club (HEEC)

Every club is required to re-charter at the beginning of each academic year if it wishes to continue operating. To re-charter, please fill out a Club Charter/Re-Charter Packet and submit it to the Office of Student Activities & Campus Life at R124 or via email to


Interested in Starting a Student Club?

Fill out a Club Charter/Re-Charter Packet and submit it to the Office of Student Activities & Campus Life at R124 or via email to!