Course Number: RADSC 1A
Survey of Radiologic Science
Units: 1.5
Class: 1.5 hours lecture (GR)
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Exploration of educational/career options in diagnostic radiologic science: Policy for program entry, the job functions of a radiologic technologist and observations in a clinical setting; introduction to medical terminology, radiographic examinations, basic radiation safety principles, standard precautions, patient care, ethics and medical-legal issues, and advanced specialty modalities. Covers both positive and negative aspects of the field regarding the pursuit of a career in this area. 1225.00
Course Number: RADSC 1B
Introduction to Medical Imaging
Units: 2
Class: 6 hours lecture per week for 6 weeks (GR)
Prerequisite: Radsc 1A
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Overview of allied health professions with specific attention to the medical imaging technologist: Allied health education, ethical behavior, medical-legal issues and liabilities, interpersonal communications, radiation safety, and preparation for clinical experience. 1225.00
Course Number: RADSC 1C
Introduction to Medical Imaging Clinic
Units: 2.5
Class: 12 hours laboratory per week for 11 weeks (GR)
Prerequisite: Radsc 1B (taken first during same term as Radsc 1C); and health clearances: physical examination, and recent negative TB (PPD) skin test or chest X-ray test results, and recent immunization against diphtheria, tetanus, polio, rubeola, rubella, mumps, and chicken pox (varicella); and drug screen and background check
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Introduction to the clinical environment (carried out in an affiliated hospital): Emphasis on patient care and positioning; orientation to the hospital and radiology department, radiography processing area, quality assurance, equipment operation, department safety, and radiographic procedures. 1225.00
Course Number: RADSC 2A
Radiographic Physics I
Units: 2
Class: 1.5 hours lecture, 2 hours laboratory (GR)
Prerequisite: Math 201 or 210D
Recommended preparation: CIS 1 and Engl 1A
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Introduction to principles of radiographic physics and radiographic quality factors: X-ray beam production and tube characteristics, basic control-panel elements, image processing, radiographic intensifying screens, film, and grids; emphasis on compensating for modifications in basic imaging factors such as patient physical characteristics and position, tube position, distance, intensifying screen and film speed, grid ratio, and exposure factors. 1225.00
Course Number: RADSC 2B
Radiographic Physics II
Units: 4
Class: 3 hours lecture, 4 hours laboratory (GR)
Prerequisite: Radsc 2A
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Continuation of RADSC 2A: Radiographic quality factors, radiologic quantities and units, structure of matter, electromagnetic energy, magnetism, electricity, electromagnetism; x-ray imaging system, circuitry, x-ray tube, x-ray production, x-ray emission spectrum, and xray interactions with matter. 1225.00
Course Number: RADSC 2C
Digital Applications in Medical Imaging
Units: 4
Class: 3 hours lecture, 4 hours laboratory (GR)
Prerequisite: Radsc 2B
Corequisite: Radsc 9C
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Continuation of RADSC 2B: Technology applicable to specialized operation of computed/digital radiography and fluoroscopy, picture archiving and communication and radiology information systems; hands-on applications of software packages used to simulate job skills needed in a hospital clinical environment. 1225.00
Course Number: RADSC 3A
Positioning I
Units: 4
Class: 3 hours lecture, 4 hours laboratory (GR)
Prerequisite: Radsc 1A; and Biol 24, or Biol 20A and 20B, or Biol 2 and 4
Recommended preparation: CIS 1; and healthcare and/or customer service work experience or business or professional communications courses; and medical terminology or Hltoc 201
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Terminology, accessory devices, and equipment used in radiographic procedures: Application of protective devices; anatomy review and positioning for examinations of the chest, abdomen, and upper and lower extremities to include the shoulder, bony thorax, and pelvis. 1225.00
Course Number: RADSC 3B
Positioning II
Units: 4
Class: 3 hours lecture, 4 hours laboratory (GR)
Prerequisite: Radsc 1B and 2A and 3A and 5A
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Continuation of RADSC 3A: Anatomy review and positioning for examinations of the biliary system, upper and lower gastrointestinal tracts, urinary system, spine, cranium, facial bones, and sinuses. 1225.00
Course Number: RADSC 4A
Radiation Protection
Units: 2
Class: 36 term hours lecture (GR)
Prerequisite: Radsc 2B and 3B and 9A
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Physics of ionizing radiation: Photon and particle interaction with living tissue, protective materials and barriers, state and federal regulations governing radiation and consumer protection, practical methods and principles used in producing optimum images while limiting patient exposure, instrumentation in detecting and monitoring radiation, and measurement of useful scatter radiation. 1225.00
Course Number: RADSC 4B
Units: 2
Class: 36 term hours lecture (GR)
Prerequisite: Radsc 2B and 3B and 9A
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Continuation of RADSC 4A focusing on a study of the effects of ionizing-radiation exposure on human and animal populations: Photon and particulate ionizingradiation interactions with living tissue at the atomic, molecular, cellular, organic, and whole-body levels; physical and biologic factors affecting radiosensitivity; risk estimates/perspectives for patients subject to diagnostic and interventional radiology procedures and radiation therapy procedures; early and late radiation effects and acute radiation syndrome; and scientific basis for current radiation protection philosophies and regulations. 1225.00
Course Number: RADSC 5A
Patient Care I
Units: 3
Class: 3 hours lecture, 1 hour laboratory (GR)
Prerequisite: Biol 20A and 20B, or Biol 2 and 4
Recommended preparation: Engl 1A
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Ethical and interpersonal responsibilities of the health-team members: Theory and practice in assessing patient care, evaluation of radiographic orders, medical terminology related to all major body systems, medical asepsis, standard precautions techniques, and contrast preparation and administration techniques. 1225.00
Course Number: RADSC 5B
Patient Care II
Units: 3
Class: 3 hours lecture (GR)
Prerequisite: Radsc 3B and 5A
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Advanced patient-care skills: Complex clinical problem-solving skills; cultural competency; radiography and care for patients with central venous lines, chest tubes, endotracheal tubes, enteric tubes, and urinary catheters; medical emergencies in the radiology department; pharmacology; contrast media and associated hazards; venipuncture for contrast-media administration; special care needs for patients with chronic disabilities. 1225.00
Course Number: RADSC 6
Quality Management/Fluoroscopy
Units: 2.5
Class: 2 hours lecture, 2 hours laboratory (GR)
Prerequisite: Radsc 2C and 4A and 9C
Corequisite: Radsc 9D
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Quality management/fluoroscopy concepts: Equipment monitoring and maintenance programs for radiography, fluoroscopy and film processing; artifact causes and retake/repeat analysis programs; demonstrations and performance of quality assurance procedures in both radiographic and fluoroscopic areas emphasizing high quality patient care; and preparations for taking the California fluoroscopy permit examination. 1225.00
Course Number: RADSC 7
Advanced Imaging Procedures
Units: 3
Class: 3 hours lecture (GR)
Prerequisite: Radsc 2C and 5B and 9C
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Advanced imaging procedures and equipment: Conventional tomography, fluoroscopy, image recording systems, angiography, interventional procedures, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, diagnostic medical sonography, and nuclear medicine; present and future medical imaging trends. 1225.00
Course Number: RADSC 8
Sectional Anatomy and Radiographic Pathology
Units: 4
Class: 4 hours lecture (GR)
Prerequisite: Radsc 2C and 5B and 9C
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Systematic classification of disease: Signs and symptoms of common diseases, radiographic examination and treatment of diseases, application of plain and special imaging modalities in the diagnostic process utilizing sagittal, axial and coronal imaging planes of head, neck, spine, chest, abdominal and pelvic cavities and joints. Anatomic reference points, intersecting planes and medical terminology used to identify relationships of organs as well as pathological conditions. 1225.00
Course Number: RADSC 9A
Clinical Experience I
Units: 4
Class: 16 hours laboratory (GR)
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Clinical practicum in a medical-imaging department of an affiliated clinical education center. 1225.00
Course Number: RADSC 9B
Clinical Experience I
Units: 4
Class: 24 hours laboratory/week for 12 weeks (Summer only) (GR)
Prerequisite: Radsc 2B and 3B and 9A
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Continuation of RADSC 9A: Clinical practicum in a medical-imaging department of an affiliated clinical training center. 1225.00
Course Number: RADSC 9C
Clinical Experience II
Units: 6
Class: 24 hours laboratory (GR)
Prerequisite: Radsc 4B and 9B and 10A
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Continuation of RADSC 9B: Advanced clinical practicum in a medical-imaging department of an affiliated clinical training center. 1225.00
Course Number: RADSC 9D
Clinical Experience IV
Units: 6
Class: 24 hours laboratory (GR)
Prerequisite: Radsc 3B and 5B and 9C
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Continuation of RADSC 9C: Advanced clinical practicum in a medical-imaging department of an affiliated clinical training center. 1225.00
Course Number: RADSC 9E
Clinical Experience V
Units: 6
Class: 36 hours laboratory/week for 12 weeks (Summer only) (GR)
Prerequisite: Radsc 9D
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Continuation of RADSC 9D: Advanced clinical practicum in a medical-imaging department of an affiliated clinical training center. 1225.00
Course Number: RADSC 9M
Mammographic Clinical Experience
Units: 4
Class: 16 hours laboratory (GR or P/NP)
Prerequisite: Radsc 12
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Clinical practicum in a breast-imaging department of an affiliated hospital. Students/radiographers are responsible for securing their own affiliated clinical site. 1225.00
Course Number: RADSC 10A
Units: 1.5
Class: 1.5 hours lecture (GR)
Prerequisite: Radsc 2B and 3B and 9A
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Discussion and analysis of topics relevant to the radiologic sciences: Advanced skull and facial bone positioning, trauma radiography, innovative imaging procedures, special considerations for the pediatric patient, ethical case studies, advances in infection control, and new developments in the field including equipment and techniques. 1225.00
Course Number: RADSC 10B
Units: 1.5
Class: 1.5 hours lecture (GR)
Prerequisite: Radsc 7 and 8
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Preparation for state licensing and national registry examinations: Assistance with job-interview skills and resume preparation, updates of CAL OSHA regulations, California and national radiologic health regulations regarding radiation/occupational safety and patient care; exploration of other topics, and problem solving related to patient care and medical imaging in clinical and community settings. 1225.00
Course Number: RADSC 12
Mammography for Radiographers
Units: 2.5
Class:40 term hours lecture, 15 term hours laboratory (GR or P/NP)
Prerequisite: Radsc 4A and 4B
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Preparation for state exam for Mammography Certification: History of mammography, image education and breast anatomy and physiology, positioning of the breast, positioning the breast with mammoplasties, technical factors in mammography, quality assurance and instrumentation, state and national accreditation standards, communication for the mammographer, breast cancer, image interpretation, medical-legal issues in mammography. 1225.00
Course Number: RADSC 251
Clinical Experience for the Returning Student (First Year)
Units: 3
Class: 12 hours laboratory (GR)
Pre-requisite: Radsc 1B; and health clearances: physical examination, and recent negative TB (PPD) skin test or chest X-ray test results, and recent immunization against diphtheria, tetanus, polio, rubeola, rubella, mumps, and chicken pox (varicella)
Non-degree applicable
Description: Clinical practicum in a medical-imaging department of an affiliated clinical training center for the returning student. Recommended before entry into the second semester courses of the program. 1225.00
Course Number: RADSC 252
Clinical Experience for the Returning Student (Second Year)
Units: 4-16
Class: 16-24 hours laboratory (GR)
Pre-requisite: Radsc 1B and 2A and 3A and 5A; and health clearances: physical examination, and recent negative TB (PPD) skin test or chest X-ray test results, and recent immunization against diphtheria, tetanus, polio, rubeola, rubella, mumps, and chicken pox (varicella)
Non-degree applicable
Description: Advanced clinical practicum in a medical-imaging department of an affiliated clinical training center for the returning student. Recommended for students in the second year of the program. 1225.00