***For the most current information, please visit our new website!***


NHS’s paid internship program is taught as the course ENVMT 476F: Occupational Work Experience in Environmental Management, and traditionally accepts applications in the spring for the fall semester. If you are selected, you will work as a paid intern with a partner organization for 162 hours (an average of 9.5 hours per week) over the duration of the Fall semester (unless otherwise noted). You will also be enrolled in 476F for 3 units, which is a requirement for the Certificate of Achievement in Conservation and Resource Management.

Most of your work for the course and program will be spent with the partner organization under the supervision of their designated employee, who will act as your boss. Greg Vose (gvose@peralta.edu) is the professor for the course, and you can always come to him with any issues should they arise.  In addition to your work for the partner organization, you have some mandatory responsibilities for the course: Attend an orientation and capstone session on campus (dates and times TBD); participate in weekly online check-ins; and complete a capstone report. Furthermore, since we have put a lot of work into setting this up, if you are at all in doubt of your availability to participate, please do not apply. We need firm commitments up front. 

These internships provide outstanding paid entry-level work in the environmental field and are open to all (you don’t have to be an existing Merritt student to apply). Please read these descriptions very carefully, as the requirements, setting (in-person vs. remote) and pay vary from position to position.

Applications will be reviewed by Greg Vose. If interest exceeds the number of positions available, not everyone will be selected. In this case, priority will be given to students who need the class to complete their Certificate of Achievement in Conservation and Resource Management, to existing Merritt students, and to the best fit based on application materials.

Nominations will be announced by April 1. Please note: Nomination does not guarantee a position. Once selected, candidates may be interviewed by the partner organization to ensure the proper fit. Once the partner organization has completed their screening, if you are accepted you will be offered the slot, and will be expected to make a decision to accept or decline by early May. You will be given a permission number by Dr. Vose in early August so that you can enroll in the course ENVMT 476F.

You must be 18 years of age as of August 1 to be eligible unless otherwise indicated.

List of Partnerships:



To apply to any of the positions above, please click here to fill out the Fall NHS Internship Application.