What is Optical Microscopy?
Optical microscopy, also known as light microscopy, is the use of light and specialized lenses to view small objects, specimens and more! These imaging systems, including widefield and confocal microscopes, are complex, finicky, powerful instruments. Their use is exploding in biomedical fields, biotech companies and academic research labs.
When is the Microscopy Program offered?
Currently Bioscience 101, Theory and Practice of Microscopy is being offered every Fall and Spring. It is the perfect entry point into diving into the unique Bioscience training programs. The Certificate Program consists of night/weekend courses for 2 semesters, plus a summer internship. Our students are training to operate a variety of microscopes, including a confocal microscope.
Who would be interested in the Microscopy Program?
You! This field, and learning how these instruments operate, is especially suited to you if you are curious, organized, hard working, patient, resourceful, and you have decent manual dexterity. It’s also suited for those who enjoy computers and high-tech equipment, love digital images, working with your hands, discovery. There are specialized jobs in microscopy in core research facility, private industry, microscope manufacturers, academic labs, and in clinical settings with the growth of digital pathology.
How do I sign up?
To begin the Certificate of Achievement in Microscopy, you simply sign up for the certificate courses. If you don’t have a science background, it is recommended that you take Biology 10 which focuses on microscopy. Other relevant skills and courses include: expository writing, computer science, physics, chemistry, algebra. All of the courses for the certificate will be held at night and on weekends. The summer internship is flexible and can be scheduled around your regular work schedule.
COURSES: You take at least 6 units of specialized courses each semester. You will receive a strong foundation in the theory and practice of microscopy, along with a focus on the process of biological research. The majority of the work is project-based, and you will have extensive hands-on training on our systems.
INTERNSHIP: You pick your internship according to your career interests. We will help to guide you based on your interests.
JOBS: You can work in biotech, government and academic research labs, imaging cores, in sales or field service positions with equipment companies.
Email Microscopy Program Director, Dr. Gisele Giorgi, ggiorgi@peralta.edu and Bioscience co-director, Feather Ives, fives@peralta.edu, for more info.