1. Plan, develop, coordinate, review and evaluate all of the professional development activities that take place at the College.
  2. Responsible for planning Flex Day activities for the scheduled District-wide days as well as local, college-wide, on-going Professional Development activities.
  3. Establish priorities and procedures and make advisory recommendations in each of the following areas: collaborative/special projects, institutional subscriptions and memberships, individual travel and conferences, tuition reimbursement, and unique staff development needs of counselors and librarians**
  4. Supervise the Sabbatical Leave Process for faculty**: conduct workshops, evaluate and approve applications with recommendations to the College President and the Chancellor
  5. Oversee the Retraining Leave Process for faculty**
  6. Issue twice yearly report to the College Community and the District Officer of Staff.
  7. Development: on expenditures, funding priorities, procedures, deadlines, activities, schedules of meetings, attainment of goals, needs assessments, etc



* Refer to the PFT Contract article concerning “Professional Development Funds” for additional information.
**Per the PFT Contract, only the faculty and administrators on the Committee can vote on sabbatical leaves, retraining leaves and the expenditure of PFT funds.



  1. Three (3) administrators selected by the College President
  2. Three (3) faculty members: one selected by the Merritt Academic Senate, one selected by the Merritt PFT Chairs and one selected by mutual agreement between the Merritt Academic Senate and the Merritt PFT
  3. Three (3) classified/confidential staff selected by the Merritt Classified Senate
  4. The Committee Chair of the Professional Development Committee (who must be a faculty member) shall be appointed by the Professional Development Committee



1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month, 9:00 am. to 10:00 am
Except holidays and intersession terms.