What is Embedded Tutoring?

Embedded tutors are “peer tutors who work in an academic course with individual students and in small groups to increase students’ understanding of course material, in a program that offers additional in-class support to students who may be wary of seeking academic support on their own.” (Defined in “Embedded Tutoring,” by Loren Kleinman, Candice, Kaup Scoisia, and Roseann, Torsiello, Handbook for Training Peer Tutors and Mentors, CRLA).  

What is a Dedicated Tutor?

Dedicated tutors are peer tutors who do not offer in-class support but are available to assist students in the Learning Center, either virtually or face-to-face. Dedicated tutors will provide assistance in the LC Zoom and/or in the Tutor Commons, L-126. Instructors who request a dedicated tutor are encouraged to meet periodically with the dedicated tutor to discuss assignments and provide the tutor with instructions and guidance on how to help students.

Who is Assigned an Embedded Tutor?

Although the LC does not guarantee an embedded tutor for all requests, we try our hardest to match tutors with instructors. To help us determine whether or not an instructor can be matched, we look at tutors’ availability (class schedule, work, and other obligations) and instructors’ needs (class schedule, office hours, etc.). If you submit a request for an embedded tutor, feel free to check in with us as the semester approaches. If an embedded tutor is assigned to your class, you will receive an email introducing you to the embedded tutor with their contact information.

If you would like to request either an Embedded Tutor or a Dedicated Tutor, please complete this form:

Faculty Request Form for Dedicated or Embedded Tutoring – Fall 2024

If you would like to hold an office hour or two in the Learning Center, either virtually or in person, please complete this form:

Faculty Virtual & F2F Office Hours in the Learning Center Fall 24

Faculty Recommendation Form for New Tutors

Role of Embedded Tutors

The Embedded Tutor may engage in the following types of activities:
  • help facilitate small group exercises or discussions
  • offer the perspective of an experienced student in class discussions
  • work with individual students who require additional support during class activities
  • assist students to learn how to effectively utilize software, tools, etc.
  • guide students, provide feedback and answer questions during in-class hands-on practice
Things the Embedded Tutor not permitted to do:
  • teach new concepts the course instructor has not already introduced
  • lead the class without the instructor present
  • grade assignments
  • enforce class management or discipline policies
  • function as a personal assistant to the instructor

It is important for the course instructor to consider how the tutor will be engaged in class during each individual class meeting, and design class activities that include active tutor participation.

Focus Areas for Embedded Tutoring

The program provides peer-embedded support for a wide variety of courses in basic skills, transfer, STEM, and courses that lead to degrees or certificates.

The new Faculty Request Form for Embedded Tutoring Spring 2024 is now available.

-- Request an Embedded Tutor

If you are an instructor and would like an embedded tutor for one of your classes, you should

  1. Complete the faculty embedded tutor request. All areas of the application should be fully completed, and any additional information specific to your class is appreciated.
  2. If the Learning Center is able to place a tutor in your class from currently employed tutors, the Learning Center Coordinator, Charlotte Victorian, will work together with you to select a qualified tutor.
  3. The course instructor may be responsible for finding a tutor if a qualified individual does not already work at The Learning Center. The tutor applicant must meet the Embedded Tutor Criteria (listed below) and complete all necessary employment paperwork, including the Tutor Application Form (Microsoft Forms). The Learning Center Coordinator will interview any potential applicants to determine appropriateness for the program.
-- Embedded Tutor Eligibility
  • Successfully completed the course for which he/she will work as an embedded tutor
  • Earned grade of a B or better in the class that he/she will be tutoring.
  • Interview with Learning Center Coordinator
  • Enrollment or completion of the online course LRNRE 30, Tutor Training
  • A recommendation from a Merritt College instructor teaching in the discipline for courses the applicant wishes to tutor Faculty Recommendation Form (PDF)
  • Completion of Human Resources required documents