Comprehensive Program Review (CPR) & Annual Program Update (APU)

Welcome to the 2024-2025 Program Review Process!

Starting this year, Comprehensive Program Reviews and Annual Program Updates will be submitted in CurriQunet.

The due date for CPR/APU reports is Monday, October 21, 2024.

Program Review is a fundamental part of Merritt’s Integrated Planning and Budgeting (IPB) process.  The critical dates to note are indicated in the following timeline:

Integrated Planning & Budgeting Timeline 2024-2025

Starting this year, we are transitioning to a new comprehensive program review schedule in which each program is designated a comprehensive program year.    The following schedule shows which programs will undergo CPR in which year:

Comprehensive Program Review Schedule 2024-2027


Program Review/ APU General Rubric

PR-APU Assessment Validation Rubric

PR-APU Program Goal Validation Rubric

Data Resources

Power BI Reports: