Term |
Definition |
ACCJC | Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges |
Annual Unit Planning (APU) | A report documenting reflecting continuous quality improvement containing progress on goals, assessment results, and program changes and improvements, as well as requests for new resources. |
Assessment | An ongoing process aimed at understanding and improving student learning. At Merritt, Assessment data is housed in Task Stream. |
CCCCO | California Community College Chancellor’s Office |
Certificate Completion | (PCCD definition) Number of Students earning a Certificate |
Completion Rate (CCCCO – Scorecard definition) |
Cohort measure of the percentage of first time students and achieved an outcome of Degree, Certificate, transfer or ‘transfer-prepared’ within six years of entry. |
Completion Rate (Course-level) | (PCCD and state definition) The measure of students earning a grade of C or better in a course. Also called success rate, or Successful Course Completion. |
CTE Rate (CCCCO – Scorecard definition) |
Cohort measure of the percentage of student who attempted a CTE course for the first-time and completed more than 8 units in the subsequent 3 years in a single discipline and achieved a Degree, Certificate, Transfer or ‘transfer-prepared’ within 6 years of entry. |
CurricUNET META | Software for assessment and curriculum management. |
Degree Completion | (PCCD definition) Student earning a Degree |
Enrollment | A student enrolled in a class is counted once. Enrollment for a department, division and college is ‘duplicated’ in the sense that all class enrollments are counted, including students taking multiple courses. |
FTEF | Full-time Equivalent Faculty 1FTEF = 1 instructor teaching 15 equated hours per week for 1 semester. |
FTES | Major student workload measure. It is the equivalent of 525 hours of student instruction per FTES, or one student enrolled in courses for 3 hours a day, 5 days a week, for an academic year of 35 weeks. |
Goals | Broad learning outcomes and concepts as a vision for the program and expressed in general terms. |
Headcount | Unduplicated count of students. Students are counted once per academic year. If the headcount is by term, the student is counted once per term. |
Institutional Effectiveness Indicators | System of indicators and goals that are intended to encourage improvement in institutional effectiveness at California Community Colleges. |
Institution-set Standards | Measures of evaluating student achievement performance of an institution and/or program required by ACCJC. |
Learning Outcomes | The skills and/or knowledge that a student can expect to have upon completion of a specific education task (course, program, degree, etc.) |
Mission Statement | A brief statement of the general values and principles which guide the program curriculum and/or department goals. |
Productivity | FTES/FTEF. A measure of the productivity of a class or group of classes. Number of full time students per full time faculty member. |
Program Review (PR) | Comprehensive reporting documents completed every three years, containing progress on goals, assessment results, and program changes and improvements, as well as requests for new resources. |
Remedial Rate (CCCCO – Scorecard definition) |
Cohort measure of the percentage of credit students who attempted for the first time a course designated at ‘levels below transfer’ and then successfully completed a college-level course within 6 years. |
Retention (Course-level) | (PCCD definition) The measure of students retained in a class, or earning a grade other than W. |
Retention (Institution-level) | A measure tracking students who enroll in consecutive terms at the college. Sometimes this term is interchanged with persistence. Can be tracked Fall to Spring, or Fall to Fall. |
Launchboard | California Community College Dashboards covering student success, workforce outcomes, Guided Pathways, and more. |
Transfer (as a metric) | Number of Students enrolling in a 4-year College or University after attending Merritt College |
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