Undocumented Community Resource Center (UCRC) CENTER

The Merritt College Undocumented Community Resource Center (UCRC) Center provides support, resources, information and referrals for all Dreamers, undocumented, AB 540, and DACA students and allies in a safe and confidential environment. All are welcome here. You are not alone. We’re in this together. We are here to support you. 

We will continue to provide online services and support to students while our office is closed due to COVID-19. 

Undocumented Community Resource Center (UCRC) Center Contact Information:

  • Call us at (510) XXX-XXXX or email aspira.merritt@peralta.edu with questions or to set up an appointment.  For Spring 22, the UCRC Center counselor is available on Mondays and Thursdays.

At Merritt College, we recognize the dignity and value of the individual and continuously strive to provide opportunities for all those who seek an education. As advocates for the creation and maintenance of a safe place that supports education for all members of our community, we created this website as a resource for undocumented students, their families, and their allies.

En Merritt College, reconocemos la dignidad y el valor de la persona y nos esforzamos continuamente por brindar oportunidades a todos aquellos que buscan una educación. Como defensores de la creación y el mantenimiento de un lugar seguro que apoye la educación de todos los miembros de nuestra comunidad, nosotros creamos este sitio web como un recurso para los estudiantes indocumentados, sus familias y sus aliados.

Read Peralta’s Resolution to Support the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) (9/5/2017)
