FREE  FREE TUTORING! *Did you know that students who seek tutoring from our very own Learning Center tutors are 5%-30% more likely to successfully pass a tough class? Tutors are paid through student enrollment fees, so take advantage of this service. You will need to register for the LRNRE 501—Supervised Tutoring (0 units) – Code: 42783. Enroll TODAY!
Normally, when we are on campus, students go to Building L for tutoring. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19, the Learning Center will not open on campus this fall. However, peer tutors are still available to help you with your learning needs.
*For the complete success and retention data report, click here:Learning Center Tutoring Data
NEW!!! Merritt tutors are now online: LC Tutoring Hub on Zoom
The Learning Center Helps Students With Skills in All Topics