I bring more than 36 years of teaching K-12 and college to the classroom. As a college professor, I strive to create an active, exciting learning community in which I am one of the learners. I may lead and facilitate while providing content and expertise, but I am, above all, a learner. My greatest sources of price in my teaching career comes from having learned, grown, and improved as an instructor.
Fereshteh Mofidi
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Our Mission Statement:
Merritt College puts students first. Through our rich educational programs, we foster a culture of equity and inclusion that empowers students to achieve their greatest potential and make meaningful contributions to their respective communities and our global society.
Contact Information
MBA, Global Management Business Faculty Business Department Chair
Fereshteh Mofidi
(510) 436-2642Division II Interim Dean,
Math, Science, and
Applied Technology
Diane Chang dtchang@peralta.edu
Division Staff Assistant
Tanya Ilarde
CE Counseling Office
Building S | Room 438
(510) 434-3938
Marlo Beall
CE Counseling Office
Building S | Room 438
(510) 434-3938
Marisela Carvalho
CE Counseling Office
Building S | Room 438
(510) 434-3938