
Course Number: BUS 1A 
Financial Accounting
Units: 4
Class:  4 hours lecture (GR)
Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC
Description: Study of purpose, theory, and specific methods of accounting: Systems and methods employed in accumulating data for financial statements; income measurement including cost measurement, classification and expiration; revenue recognition and measurement.  0502.00

Course Number: BUS 1B
Managerial Accounting
Units: 4
Class:  4 hours lecture (GR)
Pre-requisite: Bus 1A
Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC
Description: Uses of accounting data for planning, controlling, and decision making: Sources of business funds, cost systems and analysis, forecasting and budgeting; analysis, uses, and limitations of financial statements and reports.  0502.00

Course Number: BUS 2
Introduction to Business Law
Units: 3
Class:  3 hours lecture (GR)
Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC
Description: General survey of business law: Principles of law on contracts, sales agency, torts, partnerships and corporations, and the uniform commercial code.  0501.00

Course Number: BUS 5
Human Relations in Business
Units: 3
Class:  3 hours lecture (GR or P/NP)
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Application of behavioral science concepts to human problems in organizations: Action necessary to prevent and resolve problems among individuals within groups; application of logical decision-making techniques. 0501.00 AA/AS area 2

Course Number: BUS 10
Introduction to Business
Units: 3
Class:  3 hours lecture (GR or P/NP)
Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC
Description: Introduction to business: Survey of various phases of business, organization, finance, personnel, production, marketing, managerial controls, and government-business relations.  0501.00

Course Number: BUS 20
General Accounting
Units: 3
Class:  3 hours lecture (GR or P/NP)
Not open for credit to students who have completed or are currently enrolled in Bus 1A or 1B.
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Theory and practice of accounting: Double-entry process on accrual basis; complete accounting cycle with use of work sheet and preparation of end-of- the-year financial statements; petty cash, banking procedures, notes, drafts, and introduction to payroll taxes.  0502.00

Course Number: BUS 48NA-TZ
General Accounting
Units: .5-9
Class:  0-9 hours lecture, 0-27 hours laboratory (GR or P/NP)
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: See section on Selected Topics.  0501.00

Course Number: BUS 49
Independent Study in Business
Units: .5-5
Class:  (GR or P/NP)
Course study under this section may be repeated three times for a maximum of 5 units.
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: See section on Independent Study.  0501.00

Course Number: BUS 50
Principles of Management
Units: 3
Class:  3 hours lecture (GR)
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Modern theories of management and organizational design and behavior: Evolution of management as an art and as a science, techniques of effectively managing human and economic resources, and social responsibilities of business. 0506.00

Course Number: BUS 51
Supervisory Management
Units: 3
Class:  3 hours lecture (GR)
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Designed for persons employed as supervisors or with potential employment as supervisors: Supervisor’s role, training, grievances, cost control, and human relations.  0506.00

Course Number: BUS 52
Psychology and Human Relations
Units: 3
Class:  3 hours lecture (GR)
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Introduction to the application of business psychology and the impact of employee behavioral issues on organizational performance and relationships within an organization: Individuals’ basic drives, motivation, derived needs, reactions and responses, personality and personality traits, emotions, frustrations, attitudes, and other behavioral factors as they apply to business situations; processes, assessment tools, and techniques that foster respect, trust, and sustained collaboration.
0506.00 AA/AS area 2; CSU area D, E

Course Number: BUS 54
Small Business Management
Units: 3
Class:  3 hours lecture (GR)
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Functions and objectives of an executive: Definition of duties, and basic knowledge of administration and organization; practice through case studies in making business decisions. 0506.40

Course Number: BUS 56
Human Resources Management
Units: 3
Class:  3 hours lecture (GR)
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Introduction to human resources management: Impact and accountability to the organization in human resource activities, global human resources strategies, social and organizational realities, legal implications affecting people at work, union/ non-union practices, comparable work, employee compensation and benefits, and employee rights.  0506.00

Course Number: BUS 70
Introduction to Marketing
Units: 3
Class:  3 hours lecture (GR or P/NP)
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Introduction to integrated marketing strategies: Identification and satisfaction of customers’ wants and needs with products (goods and/or services), price, place, and promotional strategies; customer relationship management; integration of marketing into strategic business plans.  0509.00

Course Number: BUS 72
Principles of Retailing
Units: 3
Class:  3 hours lecture (GR or P/NP)
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Retail stores from management’s perspective: Principles and practices used in merchandising, operational problems of the firm, trends in merchandising, case-method techniques of actual on- the-job problems.  0506.50

Course Number: BUS 74
Introduction to Advertising
Units: 3
Class:  3 hours lecture (GR or P/NP)
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Survey of advertising in business: Marketing research, techniques in copywriting and art, advertising media, advertising agencies and campaigns, and current developments. 0509.10

Course Number: BUS 76
Units: 3
Class:  3 hours lecture (GR or P/NP)
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Introduction to principles of international e-commerce and entrepreneurship: Emphasis on developing a business plan for conducting online commerce; market analysis; product access; payment methods; promotion; and back-end technology requirements for creating an e-commerce site.   0509.70

Course Number: BUS 80
Financial Literacy
Units: 2
Class:  2 hours lecture (GR/PNP)
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Financial issues and challenges for college students: basics of financial literacy, bad debt, spending plans, non-traditional financial services, consumer economics, buying and selling stocks, mutual fund options, investing in education, planning for the future, purchasing a first home, taxes and tax planning, insurance, estate and retirement planning, and keeping money in perspective. 0501.00

Course Number: BUS 83
Introduction to Digital Marketing
Units: 3
Class: 3 hours lecture (GR/PNP)
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Basics of digital marketing: Marketing concepts in the context of a business; segmentation, targeting, value propositions, advertising, social media, metrics; and development of a digital marketing plan. 0509.00

Course Number: BUS 90
Content Marketing and Branding 
Units: 3
Class:  3 hours lecture (GR/PNP)
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Basics of content marketing and branding: Business marketing concepts; content strategy, content creation, search engine optimization, consumer psychology, and branding. 0509.00

Course Number: BUS 92
Digital Advertising: Search and Display 
Units: 3
Class:  3 hours lecture (GR/PNP)
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Basics of business digital advertising: Search engine marketing, display advertising, targeting, Google ads, ad rank, performance tracking; development of a search and display ad campaign for a real organization. 0509.00

Course Number: BUS 94
Email Marketing 
Units: 3
Class: 3 hours lecture (GR/PNP)
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Basics of email marketing: Email marketing concepts; segmentation, targeting, customer journey, email campaign, email automation; and development of a presentation that outlines the components of an email campaign for a chosen company. 0509.00

Course Number: BUS 96
Marketing Analytics and Performance Optimization
Units: 4
Class: 4 hours lecture (GR/PNP)
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Basics of marketing analytics and performance optimization: Marketing analytics concepts; data visualization, reporting, Google Analytics, pivot tables, interactive dashboard, A/B testing. 0509.00

Course Number: BUS 248NA-TZ
Selected Topics in Business
Units: .5-9
Class:  0-9 hours lecture, 0-27 hours laboratory (GR or P/NP)
Description: See section on Selected Topics.  0501.00

Course Number: BUS 348NA-TZ
Selected Topics in Business
Units: .5-9
Class:  0-9 hours lecture, 0-27 hours laboratory (GR or P/NP)
Non-degree applicable
Description: See section on Selected Topics. 0501.00