
The Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment Committee (SLOAC) is a subcommittee of the Academic Senate and thus makes recommendations to the Senate as well as to the VP of Instruction on matters relating to student learning outcomes and their assessment.



  1. To train faculty, staff, and administration on the use of the current assessment platform to document assessment.
  2. To organize staff development activities aimed at increasing the incorporation of learning assessment into the strengthening of teaching.
  3. To coordinate, support, and review the assessment process: Student Learning Outcomes (SLO’s), Program Learning Outcomes (PLO’s), Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILO’s), Service Area Outcome (SAO’s), Administrative Unit Outcomes (AUO’s).
  4. To engage the college in a wide-spread dialogue about assessment, its relevance to accreditation, and how it affects teaching and learning, informed decision making, and institutional improvements.
  5. To participate in the accreditation process, including but not limited to the preparation of reports.
  6. To provide faculty leadership and administration with reports on the proficiency of the college with respect to outcomes assessment.


  1. Five (5) faculty representatives, from different instructional areas to include CE, appointed by the Merritt Academic Senate. The term of office will be two years, with two faculty representatives are chosen each year. Reappointments will be allowed.
  2.  One (1) counselor (faculty).
  3. Two (2) staff representatives, from different instructional areas, appointed by the Merritt Classified Senate.
  4. One (1) Dean representative.
  5. Other administrative areas are non-voting, ex-officio members, and are expected to attend SLOAC meetings to participate in discussion and debate on matters that affect their areas.



  1. During March of each year, the SLOAC chairperson will inform the Merritt Academic Senate President of any vacancies for the following semester within their respective areas. Appointments to fill those vacancies will be forwarded to the SLOAC chair by March 30.
  2. If an appointed position becomes vacant during the regular school year, or an appointee becomes inactive (missing more than three meetings in one semester), the SLOAC chairperson will notify the Academic Senate President within two weeks. The Academic Senate President will appoint a replacement to serve the remainder of the term of the original appointee and will notify the chairperson within one week of appointment.
  3. The terms of all regularly appointed members will begin with the first regular meeting of the fall semester. The terms for members appointed to fill vacancies during the year will begin with the next regular meeting.


Election of a Chairperson

  1. Each May the SLOAC will elect a chair and vice-chair from among its faculty members, subject to the advice and consent of the Academic Senate. No person may serve more than three consecutive terms as chairperson unless authorized by the Academic Senate.
  2. The term of the Chairperson is two years.
  3. If the chair resigns or is unable to complete his or her term, the Vice-Chair will fill out the team.


Chairperson Duties

  1. Prepare meeting agendas.
  2. Conduct SLOAC meetings.
  3. Ensure minutes are being taken.
  4. Set the calendar of SLOAC meetings.
  5. Keep informed of reporting technology information.
  6. Keep informed of accreditation standards for student learning outcomes and their assessment.
  7. Ensure that faculty, staff, and administration are trained on technology and requirements.
  8. Report regularly to CIC, CDCPD, and Academic Senate.
  9. Review SLO’s for new and updated courses.
  10. Prepare reports for department chairs, program directors, and administrators regarding the proficiency of the college with respect to student learning outcomes and their assessment.



  1. Regular meetings will be held at least once a month during the regular academic year. The SLOAC chair may call extra meetings as needed.
  2. A quorum will be 50% of the active voting members. A quorum must be present in order for SLOAC to conduct business.
  3. The meeting agenda, previous meeting minutes, and any pertinent materials will be provided to the committee at least three (3) days prior to a scheduled meeting.
  4. Individuals with business before the SLOAC are encouraged to be present or to send a knowledgeable representative when that business is on the agenda.
  5. When considering a proposal, the SLOAC may vote to approve, disapprove, refer to another College committee/department/office, or refer the proposal back to the originator with instructions to revise.
  6.  After each SLOAC meeting, the Chairperson (a designee) will present a summary to the Academic Senate, in person or in writing, a report of all official actions taken by the SLOAC.


Amendments to these by-laws may be proposed by any member of the SLOAC, the Academic Senate, or by the College President. Proposed amendments to these by-laws will be adopted upon mutual agreement between the College President and the Academic Senate.