Merritt College Sport’s Medicine team is dedicated to helping Merritt College student-athletes in the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of athletic injury.
Athletic Trainer:
Liana Gerardo, MS, ATC, CES
Liana started at Merritt College in November 2018. Prior she spent five years at CSU East Bay, as an assistant athletic trainer. Liana has a Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology and a Master’s degree in athletic training. Liana became BOC certified since 2013 and became a corrective exercise specialist since 2017. Additionally, she has experience in various manual therapies including Positional Release Therapy (PRT), Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy, and the use of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization. Liana also is a mental health first aider and is dedicated to a whole-person approach to treatment.
Team Physicians
Dr. Steve Isono
Dr. Tim Wang
Visiting Team Info
Visiting team info
Daily questionnaire
COVID-19 assessment
Thunderbird Pledge
Consent to treat