-President, Omran Nattouf

-Vice President, Jameelah Mercer

-Secretary, Tylor Dutton

-Treasurer, Mebrat Hill



-Faculty Advisor, Jessica Dame Carroll





United Health Alliance (UHA) aims to connect pre-health or related major students at Merritt college to health-majored students in the adjacent four-year universities.

We aim to have members who are looking for a future in health or related majors: biology, nursing, child development, pre-dental, and pre-health in general. The club will aim to have either virtual or physical events where health, pre-health or alumni students from an adjacent university join to discuss their involvement and extracurriculars during their undergraduate years. Something that should motivate Merritt students, give them examples, and guide them to what opportunities students should be undertaking during their time at Merritt.

UHA additionally aims to find volunteering and involvement opportunities that are offered nearby or through adjacent universities but are available for Merritt College students. Sometimes opportunities are around us but we are unaware of them. UHA aims to scout those opportunities and present them to members to help prepare them for their future in health By fulfilling the first two goals, UHA would reach its third goal by connecting Merritt students and creating an environment for them where they can network, share experiences and guidance.

UHA also aims to work with the student center to help the members gear their resumes and professional profiles to be suitable for health involvement.