Courses Currently Offered (not all courses offered every semester)
Course Number: SOC 1
Introduction to Sociology:
Units: 3
Class: 3 hours lecture (GR)
Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC
Description:Introduction to sociology: Analysis of human group life through principles, concepts, and theories. 2208.00
AA/AS area 2; CSU area D; IGETC area 4
Course Number: SOC 2
Social Problems
Units: 3
Class: 3 hours lecture (GR or P/NP)
Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC
Description: Study of society through application of sociological principles and critical thinking skills to the identification and analysis of selected social problems: Poverty, racism/sexism, drug abuse, crime, and population control. 2208.00
AA/AS area 2; CSU area D; IGETC area 4
Course Number: SOC 3
Sociology of Women
Units: 3
Class: 3 hours lecture (GR or P/NP)
Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC
Description: Exploration of various conceptual frameworks regarding the status of women: Structure-function, role dynamics, dominant-subordinate minority group interaction, and concepts of oppression-liberation with emphasis on current trends of the movement. 2208.00
AA/AS area 2; CSU area D; IGETC area 4
Course Number: SOC 5
Minority Groups
Units: 3
Class: 3 hours lecture (GR)
Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC
Description: Analysis of racial, religious, and ethnic minority groups: General principles of dominant-minority group relations. 2208.00
AA/AS area 2, 5; CSU area D
Course Number: SOC 13
Sociology of the Family
Units: 3
Class: 3 hours lecture (GR)
Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC
Description: Investigation into social factors which contribute to marriage and family ties: The changing historic, economic and socio-cultural forces that shape relationships among men, women parents, children and extended family members
AA/AS area 2, 5; CSU area D
Course Number: SOC 45
Sociology of Sports
Units: 3
Class: 3 hours lecture (GR)
Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC
Description: Survey and critical analysis of sports in America: The interrelationship between the athlete and traditional social institutions (education, politics, economics, and the media).
AA/AS area 2, 5; CSU area D
Course Number: SOC 49
Independent Study in Sociology
Units: 3
Class: (GR or P/NP)
Course study under this section may be repeated three times for a maximum of 5 units.
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: See section on Independent Study. 2208.00
Course Number: SOC 120
Introduction to Research Methods
Units: 3
Class: 3 hours lecture (GR)
Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC
Description: Introduction to empirical research for the social sciences: Nature of theory, hypotheses, variables, ethics of research; application of qualitative and quantitative analytic tools including survey, observational, experimental, case study, and comparative historical research.