Infrastructure Security

The Infrastructure Security Program provides best practices and competencies for students to design, install and implement services and applications; manage and optimize security infrastructure to ensure compliance with security controls; help prevent, detect, investigate and respond to operational security threats and attacks; facilitate security vulnerability assessments, penetration tests and risk assessments; investigate security events and incidents, including forensic analysis; represent security interests on project teams by ensuring security standards and requirements.
Conduct security research, analysis and review of infrastructure designs to ensure compliance with company security policies; evaluate new products and technologies to protect against existing and emerging security threats; and develop and implement information security policies and procedures.

Career Opportunities
Infrastructure Security Specialist, Infrastructure Security Analyst

Note: Students should see a counselor at least once each semester to plan for their educational goal(s).

Program Learning Outcomes
Students who complete the degree will be able to:
1. Install & Configure software and upgrades
2. Install, configure & test network devices, servers and workstations
3. Troubleshoot hardware & network problems

Degree Requirements: “refer to Curriculum Template for Infrastructure Security”

Application Security


The Application Security Program provides best practices and competencies for students to design, install and implement secure applications and services; manage, and optimize application to ensure compliance with security controls; help prevent, detect, investigate and respond to application security threats and attacks; facilitate application security vulnerability assessments, penetration tests and risk assessments.
Investigate application security events and incidents, including forensic analysis; represent security interests on project teams by ensuring security standards and requirements; conduct security research, analysis and review of application solutions to ensure compliance with company security policies; evaluate new products and technologies to protect against existing and emerging security threats; and develop and implement information security policies and procedures.

Career Opportunities
Application Security Specialist, Application Security Analyst, Information Technology Specialist, Customer Support, Information Security Specialist, Network Application Developer

Note: Students should see a counselor at least once each semester to plan for their educational goal(s).

Program Learning Outcomes
Students who complete the degree will be able to:
1. Design secure applications and services to protect critical assets
2. Develop, test, and implement secure applications to safeguard critical information
3. Manage ongoing maintenance and updates to applications and services to respond to changing security threats

Degree Requirements: “refer to Curriculum Template for Applications Security”