DSP provides sign language interpreters for students who are deaf, hard-of-hearing or whose speech or auditory processing deficits necessitate this service. This service includes, but may not be limited to: classroom lectures/labs, student orientation meetings, tutoring sessions, counseling appointments, meetings with instructors, or other academic related activity.
To arrange for an interpreter for a course, please contact DSP:
• DSP Student Services Building, R-109 (510) 436-2429
Student Responsibilities
1. It is the responsibility of the hearing-impaired student to notify DSP 24 hours in advance when:
- Student plans to miss class
- Room, day, or time of class is changed
- Class is cancelled
- Student is dropping class.
- NOTE: Student must call immediately so interpreter may be notified in a timely manner.
- If student misses a class without canceling services in advance, the student must contact DSP Coordinator or DSP Staff Assistant immediately to let them know when s/he will be returning to class.
- If student misses a class three (3) times without sufficient notice, service will immediately be cancelled. In order to resume service, student must meet with the DSP Coordinator.
- If interpreter does not show up for class, student must wait five (5) minutes, then contact DSP Coordinator or DSP Staff Assistant for a replacement interpreter, if one is available.
- In order to receive interpreting service for other academic related activities or for finals, student must submit a special request form to the DSP Coordinator or DSP Staff Assistant at least two (2) weeks in advance.
- Student should notify the DSP Coordinator or NCC DSP Staff Assistant immediately if there is a problem with the interpreting services provided. The DSP Coordinator will observe and/or make any necessary changes warranted.
Failure to comply with the above procedures may result in suspension of sign language interpreting services. Suspension of future interpreting services will be determined following a review by the DSP Coordinator or Learning Disabilities Specialist (when appropriate).
If interpreting services are suspended and student wishes to appeal the decision, the student should meet with the Vice President of Student Services. The student may also file a complaint with the District 504/ADA Officer.
Information for faculty when working with students with hearing impairments