Welcome to the Learning Opportunity Program
Students who come to the Learning Opportunity Program (LOP) are just like you; they want to be successful but need to overcome some learning challenges.
The LOP is the students’ place to explore, learn, receive support, encouragement, and resources. We are here to support and assist students through encouragement, understanding, respect, and patience. We believe in giving students the opportunity to overcome their challenges, to build their self-esteem, and to help them to reach their educational or personal goals.
Merritt College’s Learning Opportunity Program can provide support services and academic accommodations to students who have documentation of a specific learning disability from another college or professional or provide assessment for eligibility for services and accommodations as an adult (17 or older) with specific learning disabilities.
The Learning Opportunity Program offers supportive services, including:
Individual instruction in basic skills and learning strategies
Liaison with faculty/community
Testing accommodations
Laptop use in the LOP classroom
Training in the use of adaptive technology.