Why Non-Credit?

They are free! You can repeat them many times!

They are 8 weeks long! Little or No Homework!

Merritt Offers Four Levels of Bridge to Credit Courses:

Level 1

ESOL 541A Bridge to Credit – Level I (8 weeks)

Introduction to basic English through the context of daily life activities: Listening, speaking, reading, and writing; basics of language structures, form, computer literacy, classroom culture and study skills within the context of personal information and circumstances.

  1. Students will become self-advocates by correctly filling out forms, contracts, and applications as needed for life in the United States.
  2. Students will use technology as it pertains to the context of the course.

Level 2

ESOL 541B Bridge to Credit – Level II (8 weeks)

Continuation of ESOL 541A: Listening, speaking, reading, and writing; basics of language structures and form, computer literacy, classroom culture and study skills within the context of jobs.

  1. Students will apply job-related activities to their own job search.
  2. Students will use technology as it pertains to the content of the course.

Level 3

ESOL 541C Bridge to Credit – Level III (8 weeks)

Continuation of ESOL 541B: Listening, speaking, reading, and writing; basics of language structures, form, computer literacy, classroom culture and study skills within the context of academic life.

  1. Students will develop education plans and other credit course readiness skills and materials
  2. Students will use Google software to organize class work.

Level 4

ESOL 541D Bridge to Credit – Level IV (8 weeks)

Continuation of ESOL 541C: Listening, speaking, reading, and writing; basics of language structures, form, computer literacy, classroom culture and study skills within the context of life experience.

  1. Students will assemble a portfolio of projects to demonstrate credit course readiness.
  2. Students will use technology as it pertains to the content of the course.