Why Non-Credit?
They are free! You can repeat them many times!
They are 8 weeks long! Little or No Homework!
Merritt Offers Four Levels of Bridge to Credit Courses:
Level 1
ESOL 541A Bridge to Credit – Level I (8 weeks)
Introduction to basic English through the context of daily life activities: Listening, speaking, reading, and writing; basics of language structures, form, computer literacy, classroom culture and study skills within the context of personal information and circumstances.
- Students will become self-advocates by correctly filling out forms, contracts, and applications as needed for life in the United States.
- Students will use technology as it pertains to the context of the course.
Level 2
ESOL 541B Bridge to Credit – Level II (8 weeks)
Continuation of ESOL 541A: Listening, speaking, reading, and writing; basics of language structures and form, computer literacy, classroom culture and study skills within the context of jobs.
- Students will apply job-related activities to their own job search.
- Students will use technology as it pertains to the content of the course.
Level 3
ESOL 541C Bridge to Credit – Level III (8 weeks)
Continuation of ESOL 541B: Listening, speaking, reading, and writing; basics of language structures, form, computer literacy, classroom culture and study skills within the context of academic life.
- Students will develop education plans and other credit course readiness skills and materials
- Students will use Google software to organize class work.
Level 4
ESOL 541D Bridge to Credit – Level IV (8 weeks)
Continuation of ESOL 541C: Listening, speaking, reading, and writing; basics of language structures, form, computer literacy, classroom culture and study skills within the context of life experience.
- Students will assemble a portfolio of projects to demonstrate credit course readiness.
- Students will use technology as it pertains to the content of the course.