2023 Associated Students of Merritt College (ASMC) Scholarships

In 2023, the Associated Student of Merritt College (ASMC) has allocated up to $2900 in scholarships. The Council has approved to offer three more scholarship to students approved to participate in the Merritt College Study Abroad program. There are seventeen (17) scholarship available. For more information, click the link below. The deadline to apply is Friday, April 14, 2023, at 4:30 PM.

2023 Merritt College Academic Senate (MCAS) Scholarships

It’s student scholarship season once again, and the Academic Senate is sponsoring eleven scholarships for a total of $8800 in awards this year, including one brand new scholarship in honor of the late Jennifer Briffa. The full scholarship information packet (including the application, recommendation, and personal statement forms) is available online on the Merritt College and Merritt College Academic Senate websites and via the following links:

All scholarship applications and accompanying documents are due by email Frances Moy by Friday, April 14, 2023, at 5:00 p.m.

We ask that you share this information far and wide with any students who may be interested or may qualify, particularly in the Welcome Center, Counseling Department, Financial Aid Office, Learning Center, and Library.

Thank you for your support!

Sincerely on behalf of the Academic Senate,

Frances Moy

SAS Coordinator/Counselor


2023 Peralta Association of African American Affairs Scholarships

Peralta Association of African American Affairs will award the following scholarships to currently enrolled students. Scholarships to be awarded to African American students attending a Peralta community college, who demonstrate academic achievement, leadership skills, and community service in the African American community to help them continue their education. The deadline to apply is Friday, April 7, 2023. For questions, email scholarshipsfrompaaaa@gmail.com .

  • two $750 scholarships.
  • One districtwide NAACP $1000 scholarship.
  • Two districtwide African International $1000 scholarships