Welcome to the Physical Science Program at Merritt College!

The Physical Science Program at Merritt College has been consolidated into the Mathematics and Physical Sciences Department at Merrit College.  It now consist of the following programs: Astronomy, Geography, Geology, Mathematics and Physics.

Physical Science Department Mission Statement

The mission of the Physical Science Department at Merritt College is to instill in students an appreciation of the role that the Physical Sciences play in their lives, and teach students the skills they need to gather and interpret data from a variety of sources to address and solve practical problems.

To this end, the Physical Science Department places a high value on maintaining a rigorous program of study that incorporates field and laboratory activities, “hands-on” learning, essay writing, and interdisciplinary study into our curricula.

Physical Science Department Student Learning Outcomes

Students will have an appreciation of the role that the Physical Sciences play in their lives; and understand the relationship between natural environment and human activity.

Students will be able to express ideas clearly, concisely, and assertively in written and spoken language.

Students will be able to analyze and interpret data (from laboratory exercises, mathematical equations, or computer programs), and draw logical conclusions using the scientific method, inductive and deductive reasoning.

Students will be intellectually honest and able to work out ideas and feelings of one’s own and test them against the ideas and responses of others.

Program Descriptions

Astronomy – The Astronomy Program offers informative university-transferable classes in astronomy.  The Astronomy Program offers the following course:   Introduction to Astronomy, Descriptive Astronomy, and Observational Astronomy.  Sections of these courses are generally offered at times that fit a variety of schedules, day and evening, including accelerated versions that meet for five consecutive weeks on Friday nights and Saturdays.

Geography – The Geography program offers informative university-transferable classes in geography.  The geography courses include Physical Geography, Physical Geography Laboratory, Cultural Geography, Economic Geography, and Introduction to Geography.  Sections of these courses are offered at times during the day, evening, and an accelerated course that meet for five consecutive weeks on Friday nights and Saturdays.

Geology – The Geography Program offers informative university-transferable classes in geography.  This program offers courses such as Introduction to Physical Geology with Laboratory, Introduction to Oceanography with Laboratory, Environmental Geology, and Bay Area Field Studies.  These courses are offered during the day, evenings, and on weekends.

Physics – The Physics Program offers university-transferable classes in physics.  This program offers courses such as General Physics, General Physics with Calculus, and Introduction to Physics.  These courses are offered during the day, and evenings.