Merritt College Paralegal Studies Department |
Offers AA in Paralegal Studies and Certificate in Paralegal Studies
The following are the requirements for the Paralegal Studies Certificate:
In order to get your Paralegal Certificate, you need to take:
Required Classes (5)
PARLG 1 Intro to Law & Legal Profession
PARLG 6 Legal Research
PARLG 8 Civil Procedure & Litigation
PARLG 11 Advanced Legal Research & Writing, and
English 1A*
(*if you’ve already taken English 1A equivalent, you can request to substitute your previously taken class for that class)
Then you also need to take 4 elective classes which can come from any of the following classes:
Elective Classes (4)
Parlg 4 Law Office Management
Parlg 9 Tort Law (only offered in the Spring semester this year)
Parlg 10 Family Law (only offered in the Fall semester)
Parlg 12 Estate Planning & Probate Procedure (only offered in the Spring semester)
Parlg 15 Criminal Law (only offered in Fall semester)
Parlg 16 Internship Class, taken concurrently with COPED 474A
Business Law
So if you want to complete the Certificate in 2 semesters, then you need to take 5 classes & 4 classes over 2 semesters.
So the next semester you want to at least take PARLG 1 and PARLG 6, and then 2 electives. And the following semester you will take PARLG 8, PARLG 11 and 2 more electives. Please note: you CANNOT take PARLG 8, PARLG 11 without first taking PARLG 1 and PARLG 6. So you must take PARLG 1 and 6 in your first semester.
And then you would need to take English 1A in the summer or during the Fall/Spring, or you may have already completed that requirement.
If you have any further questions, please contact Linnea N. Willis at Otherwise, please go ahead and enroll in the Fall or Spring Semester and get going on your Certificate!
NOTE: Paralegals may not provide legal services directly to the public, pursuant to California Business & Professions Code 6450 Paralegals in California are expressly prohibited from giving legal advice, or working for themselves. Paralegals must be working directly under the direct supervision of a licensed California Attorney.