Course Number: NATAM 19
Racism in the United States
Units: 3
Class: 3 hours lecture (GR or P/NP)
Also offered as Afram 19, Asame 19, and M/Lat 6. Not open for credit to students who have completed or are currently enrolled in Afram 19, Asame 19, or M/Lat 6.
Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC
Description: Exploration of the development of modern racism in the United States: Economic, socio-cultural, and psychological implications; and resistances to its effects from AfricanAmerican, Asian-American, Mexican and Latin-American and Native American perspectives. 2203.03
AA/AS area 2, 5; CSU area D; IGETC area 4
Course Number: NATAM 48NA-TZ
Selected Topics in Native American Studies
Units: .5-5
Class: 0-5 hours lecture, 0-15 hours laboratory (GR or P/NP)
Acceptable for credit:CSU
Description: See section on Selected Topics. 2203.03
Course Number: NATAM 76A
Native Americans and the Bay Area Environment: Pre-european Period
Units: .5-5
Class: .5-5 hours lecture (GR or P/NP)
Also offered as Envst 76A. Not open for credit to students who have completed/are currently enrolled in Envst 76A.
Attendance in on-campus classroom lectures required in order to participate in field lectures for additional units.
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Prehistoric, historic and contemporary Native American relationships to the Bay Area region and Native philosophical perspectives on human/land relationships with emphasis on the pre-European period: Introduction to tribal groups, link between origin stories and the natural environment and the moral/spiritual foundation for land use, and resource utilization. 2203.03
AA/AS area 2, 5 (if course taken for 3 or more units)
Course Number: NATAM 76B
Native Americans and the Bay Area Environment: Mission Period
Units: .5-5
Class: .5-5 hours lecture (GR or P/NP)
Also offered as Envst 76B. Not open for credit to students who have completed/are currently enrolled in Envst 76B.
Attendance in on-campus classroom lectures required in order to participate in field lectures for additional units.
Acceptable for credit:CSU
Description: Prehistoric, historic and contemporary Native American relationships to the Bay Area region and Native philosophical perspectives on human/land relationships with emphasis on the Mission period: Introduction to tribal groups, link between origin stories and the natural environment and the moral/spiritual foundation for land use, resource utilization, and impact of Spanish settlers on the land and Native peoples. 2203.03
AA/AS area 2, 5 (if course taken for 3 or more units)
Course Number: NATAM 76C
Native Americans and the Bay Area Environment: Rancho and Anglo Period
Units: .5-5
Class: .5-5 hours lecture (GR or P/NP)
Also offered as Envst 76C. Not open for credit to students who have completed/are currently enrolled in Envst 76C.
Attendance in on-campus classroom lectures required in order to participate in field lectures for additional units.
Acceptable for credit:CSU
Description: Prehistoric, historic and contemporary Native American relationships to the Bay Area region and Native philosophical perspectives on human/land relationships with emphasis on the Rancho and Anglo period: Introduction to tribal groups, link between origin stories and the natural environment and the moral/spiritual foundation for land use, resource utilization, and impact of Spanish and Anglo settlers on the land and Native peoples. 2203.03
AA/AS area 2, 5 (if course taken for 3 or more units)
Course Number: NATAM 76D
Native Americans and the Bay Area Environment: Contemporary Period
Units: .5-5
Class: .5-5 hours lecture (GR or P/NP)
Also offered as Envst 76D. Not open for credit to students who have completed/are currently enrolled in Envst 76D.
Attendance in on-campus classroom lectures required in order to participate in field lectures for additional units.
Acceptable for credit:CSU
Description: Prehistoric, historic and contemporary Native American relationships to the Bay Area region and Native philosophical perspectives on human/land relationships with emphasis on the contemporary period: Introduction to tribal groups, link between origin stories and the natural environment and the moral/spiritual foundation for land use, resource utilization, and impact of Spanish and Anglo settlers on the land and Native peoples. 2203.03
AA/AS area 2, 5 (if course taken for 3 or more units)
Course Number: NATAM 78A-H
American Indians and the Ecology of North America
The following courses are offered under this rubric.
Course Number: NATAM 78A
American Indians and the Ecology of Hopi/Navajo land
Units: .5-5
Class: .5-5 hours lecture (GR or P/NP)
Also offered as Envst 78A. Not open for credit to students who have completed or are currently enrolled in Envst 78A.
Attendance in on-campus classroom lectures required in order to participate in field lectures for additional units.
Acceptable for credit:CSU
Description: Study of the Colorado Plateau in the Four Corners region and the Hopi and the Navajo: Basic ecological principles; unique geology, landforms, and plant and animal life, along with Hopi/Navajo adaptations to the dry semi-desert region; pre- and post-contact comparisons, ancient Hopi presence and arrival of the relative newcomer Navajos, effects of European contact on both cultures; and current land-use conflicts. 2203.03
AA/AS area 2, 5 (if course taken for 3 or more units)
Course Number: NATAM 78B
Lewis and Clark Expedition: Ecology and Indians, Part I
Units: .5-5
Class: .5-5 hours lecture (GR or P/NP)
Also offered as Envst 78B. Not open for credit to students who have completed or are currently enrolled in Envst 78B.
Attendance in on-campus classroom lectures required in order to participate in field lectures for additional units.
Acceptable for credit:CSU
Description: Course traces the first half of the route of Lewis and Clark’s Corps of Discovery in 1804-06: The journey from the Missouri/Mississippi River confluence to the Continental Divide, with an emphasis on the ecology and the Indians along the path of their journey. 2203.03
AA/AS area 2, 5 (if course taken for 3 or more units)
Course Number: NATAM 248NA-TZ
Lewis and Clark Expedition: Ecology and Indians, Part I
Units: .5-5
Class:0-5 hours lecture, 0-15 hours laboratory (GR or P/NP)
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: See section on Selected Topics. 2203.03