Course Number: HLTED 1
Exploring Health Issues
Units: 3
Class: 3 hours lecture (GR or P/NP)
Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC
Description: Examination of current problems related to individual and community health: Sexual behavior, birth control, sexually-transmitted diseases, drugs, consumerism, environment, psychosomatic health, nutrition, physical fitness, and preventive medicine. 0837.00
AA/AS area 2; CSU area E
Course Number: HLTED 11
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Units: .5
Class: .5 hours lecture (GR or P/NP)
Meets American Red Cross Adult, Child and Infant CPR certification requirements.
Not open for credit to students who have completed or are currently enrolled in Hlted 10.
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: Introduction to CPR: Development of skills and knowledge for administering emergency first aid for respiratory failure and cardiac arrest. 0837.00
Course Number: HLTED 20
Health and Wellness: Personal Change
Units: 1
Class: 1 hour lecture (GR or P/NP)
Acceptable for credit:CSU, UC (pending)
Description: The role of nutrition, physical activity, environmental factors, and psycho-social influences on health: Raises awareness of health issues and the role of personal responsibility in maintaining health. 0837.00
CSU Area E
Course Number: HLTED 48NA-TZ
Selected Topics in Health Education
Units: .5-5
Class: 0-5 hours lecture, 0-15 hours laboratory (GR or P/NP)
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: See section on Selected Topics. 0837.00
Course Number: HLTED 49
Independent Study in Health Education
Units: .5-5
Class: (GR or P/NP)
Course study under this section may be repeated three times for a maximum of 5 units
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: See section on Independent Study. 0837.00
Course Number: HLTED 248NA-TZ
Selected Topics in Health Education
Units: .5-5
Class: 0-5 hours lecture, 0-15 hours laboratory (GR or P/NP)
Description: See section on Selected Topics. 0837.00