Duplicate credit will not be granted for concurrent enrollment in General Work Experience and Occupational Work Experience education. A maximum of 16 units can be granted for occupational work experience or a combination of general and occupational work experience education. The student’s plan of work and study must have the approval of the college work experience supervisor.
Work experience, in conjunction with a program of instruction, makes it possible for a student to obtain college credit for paid or volunteer experience.
During regular semesters, students must enroll in a minimum of seven units including Cooperative Work Experience Education. During summer sessions, students must enroll in one other class in addition to Cooperative Work Experience Education.
Students may enroll in no more than four units of Cooperative Work Experience Education per semester, on the basis of 75 hours of paid work experience per semester per each unit of credit, or 60 hours of unpaid or volunteer work experience per semester per each unit of credit.
Course Number: COPED 450
General Work Experience
Units: 1-3
Class: hours to be arranged (GR or P/NP)
Corequisite: During regular semesters, students must enroll in a minimum of seven units including Cooperative Work Experience Education. During summer sessions, students must enroll in one other class in addition to Cooperative Work Experience Education.
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Course study under this section may be repeated three times for a maximum of 16 units for occupational or a combination of general and occupational work experience education.
Description: Supervised employment to assist in acquiring desirable work habits and attitudes, increase educational motivation, and develop improved human relations skills. Employment need not be related to educational or occupational goals. 4932.00
Course Number: COPED 452A-484B
Occupational Work Experience
Units: 1-4 each course
Class: hours to be arranged (GR or P/NP)
Corequisite: During regular semesters, students must enroll in a minimum of seven units including Cooperative Work Experience Education. During summer sessions, students must enroll in one other class in addition to Cooperative Work Experience Education.
Acceptable for credit: CSU
Course study under this section may be repeated three times for a maximum of 16 units for occupational or a combination of general and occupational work experience education.
Description:Supervised employment providing opportunities to become a productive, responsible individual and to extend learning in a chosen occupational field.
Course Number: COPED 452A
Occupational Work Experience in Landscape Horticulture
Units: 1-4
Class: hours to be arranged (GR or P/NP)
Course Number: COPED 456A
Occupational Work Experience in Accounting
Units: 1-4
Class: hours to be arranged (GR or P/NP)
Also offered as Bus 456A.
Description: 0502.00
Course Number: COPED 456D
Occupational Work Experience in Business Administration
Units: 1-4
Class: hours to be arranged (GR or P/NP)
Also offered as Bus 456D.
Description: 0505.00
Course Number: COPED 456E
Occupational Work Experience in General Business
Units: 1-4
Class: hours to be arranged (GR or P/NP)
Description: 0501.00
Course Number: COPED 456K
Occupational Work Experience in Real Estate
Units: 1-4
Class: hours to be arranged (GR or P/NP)
Description: 0511.00
Course Number: COPED 456Q
Occupational Work Experience in Administrative Office Systems and Applications
Units: 1-4
Class: hours to be arranged (GR or P/NP)
Also offered as Bus 456Q
Description: 0514.00
Course Number: COPED 470A
Occupational Work Experience in Certified Nurse Assistant/Home Health Aide
Units: 1-4
Class: hours to be arranged (GR or P/NP)
Description: 1230.30
Course Number: COPED 470B
Occupational Work Experience in Nursing, A.D
Units: 1-4
Class: hours to be arranged (GR or P/NP)
Description: 1230.10
Course Number: COPED 470C
Occupational Work Experience in Radiologic Science
Units: 1-4
Class: hours to be arranged (GR or P/NP)
Description: 1225.00
Course Number: COPED 470D
Occupational Work Experience in Vocational Nursing
Units: 1-4
Class: hours to be arranged (GR or P/NP)
Description: 1230.20
Course Number: COPED 470F
Occupational Work Experience in Medical Assisting
Units: 1-4
Class: hours to be arranged (GR or P/NP)
Prerequisite: Hlted 11 or current CPR/BLS certification; and health clearances and safety requirements: Current medical exam including titers and immunizations, and background checks if required by the clinical agency
Prerequisite or corequisite: Medas 201
Course study under this section may be repeated three times for a maximum of 4 units.
Description: 1208.10
Course Number: COPED 470G
Occupational Work Experience in Chronic Care Assistant
Units: 1-4
Class: hours to be arranged (P/NP)
Prerequisite: Chcas 202A and 202B
Corequisite: Chcas 202C
Course Number: COPED 472A
Occupational Work Experience in Child Development
Units: 1-4
Class: hours to be arranged (GR or P/NP)
Description: 1305.00
Course Number: COPED 474A
Occupational Work Experience in Paralegal Studies
Units: 1-4
Class: hours to be arranged (GR or P/NP)
Description: 1402.00
Course Number: COPED 476A
Occupational Work Experience in Administration of Justice
Units: 1-4
Class: hours to be arranged (GR or P/NP)
Description: 2105.00
Course Number: COPED 476C
Occupational Work Experience in Community Social Services
Units: 1-4
Class: hours to be arranged (GR or P/NP)
Description: 2104.00
Course Number: COPED 476E
Occupational Work Experience in Recreation and Leisure Services
Units: 1-4
Class: hours to be arranged (GR or P/NP)
Description: 0836.00
Course Number: COPED 476F
Occupational Work Experience in Environmental Management and Technology
Units: 1-4
Class: hours to be arranged (GR or P/NP)
Description: 0303.02
Course Number: COPED 484B
Occupational Work Experience in Bioscience
Units: 1-4
Class: hours to be arranged (GR or P/NP)
Description: 0430.00