The Merritt College Career Education Advisory Committee (CEAC), a committee of the Merritt College Academic Senate, makes recommendations pertaining to Merritt’s CE programs to the Academic Senate, the College Budget Committee, and the Peralta Board of Trustees.
As a standing committee of the Merritt Academic Senate, the CEAC represents all four constituency groups (students, classified staff, faculty, and administration). The committee oversees the CE program’s efforts to prepare students for living wage jobs, to continue their education, and to become self-sufficient and competent members of the workforce and society.
- To make recommendations to ensure that CE programs have the necessary funding to achieve their stated goals.
- To keep abreast of funding opportunities at the local, state, and federal level to ensure that CE programs are financially viable.
- To review and understand changes to local, state, and national level policies affecting CE programs.
- To evaluate the compliance of CE programs with college curricular and assessment obligations in the prioritization of grant funding.
- To generally recommend policies and procedures affecting CE programs.
- One Program Director/Faculty Chair or faculty designee from each of the following Career Education Programs:
- Administration of Justice
- Biosciences
- Business
- Child Development
- Computer Information Systems
- Community Social Services/Substance Abuse
- EMT/Fire Science
- Landscape Horticulture
- Medical Assisting/Health Occupations
- Natural History and Sustainability
- Nursing
- Nutrition
- Paralegal Studies
- Radiological Science
- Real Estate
- Classified representative (1), preferably from the Business Office, designated by the Classified Senate
- Counseling Faculty (1), designated by the Academic Senate
- Student Representative (1), designated by the ASMC
- Representative from the Curriculum Committee (1), designated by the Academic Senate
19 Voting Members; 10 is quorum
- CE Coordinator, ex officio
- Division Deans (3), ex officio
- Division III Staff Assistant, ex officio
- Vice President of Instruction, ex officio
- CE Liaison, co-chair of CEAC, ex officio
- Career Counselor, ex officio
- Terms for all positions on the CEAC are for one year, beginning with the first meeting of the Fall semester.
- During the April meeting of the CEAC each year, the co-chairs will inform the ASMC, Classified, and Academic Senates of any vacancies for the following fall semester. Recommendations for those vacancies will be made prior to the May meeting for confirmation at that meeting.
- If a member misses three CEAC meetings within one semester, the CEAC can vote to remove that member from the committee. The co-chairs will inform the appropriate Senate leadership and ask for a replacement member within two weeks.
- If a position becomes vacant during the regular school year, the same process articulated in #3 above will be used to appoint a replacement within two weeks.
- The CEAC will be co-chaired by a Division Dean and the CE Liaison.
The co-chairs (Division Dean and CE Liaison) will perform the following duties:
- Prepare the agendas with the help of the CE Coordinator.
- Conduct meetings.
- Set the calendar for meetings.
- Develop and assess completion of annual goals.
- Keep informed of policies and procedures relating to Career Education and the local, state, and federal levels.
- Ensure that accurate meeting minutes are maintained, communicated to the college constituency groups, and posted online.
- Provide a report at each Academic Senate meeting.
- Participate in college and district-level planning meetings as appropriate.
- Communicate all recommendations and resolutions to the Academic Senate and when pertaining to financial matters, to the College Budget Committee.
- Regular meetings will be held once per month during the Fall and Spring semesters, on the third Thursday of every month when possible. There will be 4 meetings in the Fall (September, October, November, December) and 5 meetings in the Spring (January, February, March, April, May).
- Emergency or special meetings may be called by the co-chairs.
- Meetings will follow Robert’s Rules of Order, with majority votes deciding any motions or In the event of a tie, the co-chairs may vote.
- Meetings will be held in-person or synchronously online.
- A quorum will be 10 of the voting A quorum must be present in order for the CEAC to vote.
- Materials for the agenda of a regular meeting must be submitted to the co-chairs at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting.
- The agenda, minutes of the previous meeting, and pertinent materials will be distributed to the college constituency groups at least 72 hours before a scheduled meeting and will be posted online.
- The Division III staff assistant will take meeting minutes. When this position is vacant, the co-chairs will appoint a member of the CEAC to take minutes for a given meeting.
- At or before the March meeting each year, the CEAC will vote on a proposed tentative budget for CE-related funding for the following fiscal year; these recommendations will be sent to both the Academic Senate and the Budget Committee. Recommendations for funding that involves the hiring of personnel will also be sent to the President of the college.
- CE Liaison is a 1-year term; Nomination and approval of CE Liaison recommendation to occur in May CEAC meeting for the following Academic Year term. Recommendation is then made to the Academic Senate for formal approval.
Amendments to the bylaws are made by written and adopted resolution of the CEAC with final approval from the Academic Senate.
*Adopted by CEAC 9.17.20