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Merritt College collaborates with neighboring county social services departments for the purpose of helping families with dependent children to transition from receiving public assistance to becoming self-sufficient in the work force. The CalWORKs department strives to encourage a positive environment where students who are part of the county’s CalWORKs program can seek support.

The CalWORKs program provides case management services to students who are enrolled in classes and currently receiving aid for dependent children on an ongoing basis as they pursue their academic goals. Students are to have a minimum two appointments per semester with the academic counselor to ensure proper progress towards their county approved educational program.

Services are coordinated with the local county employment counselors and CalWORKs staff to ensure completion of both county and college forms. Communication with the county employees is established to make sure that students have the proper ancillary funds as eligible from the county so that students may obtain books, supplies, transportation, and childcare in order to succeed in college.

To receive additional information or to schedule an appointment, please call CalWORKs at (510) 436-2469.