Learn to be Successful Entrepreneurs in Two New Classes (BUS 52 & 74)

Now you can find out how to use creative strategies when advertising a business (Intro to Advertising, BUS 74 #45046) and promote more effective work relationships in multicultural workplaces (Psychology and Human Relations in Business, BUS 53, #45044) in these new classes being offered this fall. (See flyers below).
Both classes are transferable, are applicable to any major field of study, and are ideal for any kind of business, including a small business start-up.
See two flyers below for more information, including EXTRA CREDIT given before the class even starts. To enroll, go to passport2.peralta.edu or merritt.edu/steps
Contact Info:
Intro to Advertising, Reza Sarraf, rsarraf@peralta.edu, (408) 655-6400
Psychology & Human Relations in Business, Vida Zendehnam, vzendehnam@peralta.edu, (925) 812-0807
Two flyers below: