New Phone System Being Installed Today!
The conversion from the old phone system to the new VoIP phone system is occurring today, Friday, October 23, 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m., with work continuing on Saturday if necessary to finish, according to Dr. Dettie Del Rosario, Director of Business Services.
“People will not have phone service until their new phones are installed, so please allow technicians into your offices to set up new phones as soon as they arrive,” she added in her recent email. “The installation should not take more than 20 to 30 minutes per phone. All phones will be replaced during the VoIP Phone Conversion Project. Fax lines will be handled separately.”
She said that they tried to collect an accurate list of all active phones, however, “if we missed some, please let us know as soon as possible so they can be added on Monday, October 26, when the vendor will return to sort out all unforeseen problems.”·
Training sessions on the new phones will be offered all day in S-435. People who will manage conference calls should attend the “super-user” session.
Proposed building priority list:
- Q-Bldg – President’s Office, Office of Instruction, Business Office
- R-Bldg – Student Services
- D-Bldg Dean Division I
- L-Bldg – Library and Learning Resources.
- All other buildings: F, E, H, P, CC, A