Students Learn Interview Skills On Their Computers!
Long-time Merritt counselor Steve Pantell has spent decades teaching students interview skills, something he considers the most important part of landing a job. But working one-on-one
with students has always been extremely time consuming. Now he is thrilled to have found a much better, high-tech solution that this generation of students will feel comfortable with, and he wants to let everyone at Merritt know.
“I discovered an app calledInterviewStream which allows students to take practice employment interviews on the web through their iphones or other electronic devices,” he says enthusiastically. “It cuts down onthe labor- intensive part of having to schedule mock interviews with individual students. Now when they are done, the interview goes immediately to their instructor for feedback and can be sent to whoever else they want to review it.”
The InterviewStream app has actually been around since 2003 and, according to its website, is used at more than 500 campuses, including Harvard and Penn State. The app has other great features like suggstions for more than 7,000 questions and the ability for instructors to record their own discipline-specific questions for their students.
Thanks to Pantell, the college is now running a one-year pilot program for all Merritt instructors and getting enthusiastic responses from a number of departments eager to use the service iwth their students.
For more information, contact Steve Pantell at