Anthropology is the comparative study of human diversity. Throughout thousands of years of human civilization in the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Europe, we have evolved and developed diverse cultural strategies to adapt to our environments. In Anthropology, we value the incredible complexity of the human species and study every aspect of what it means to be human.
In anthropology, students develop a critical analysis necessary to become world citizens, through studying a multitude of interrelated elements of what makes humans unique among all creatures on Earth. Unlike other social sciences, which often focus narrowly on only a few aspects of humanity, anthropology offers an integrated study in human culture, society, biology, and communication, from the time of our earliest evolution until the present moment.
Courses in anthropology can support students in pursuing various academic and professional career fields, including ethnic studies, medicine, nursing, sociology, business, communications, biology, education, foreign languages, and even athletics.
The Anthropology department offers the following degrees: Associate of Arts Degree in Anthropology Associate in Arts in Anthropology for Transfer (AA-T)
Career Opportunities: Anthropology is valuable for people seeking careers in business, private and non-profit sectors, education, community service, criminal justice (and with further study, forensics and law), and government. With added academic study and degrees, an anthropology degree is useful for study in healthcare and medicine (epidemiology, public health, nursing, pre-medicine for a career as a doctor), museology, international development, city planning, linguistics, psychology, ecology, and archaeology and cultural resource management.