Mark Your 2019 Calendar for Merritt S.O.U.L. Dates for Spring; Next is February 14

<h2>Mark Your 2019 Calendar for Merritt S.O.U.L. Dates for Spring; Next is February 14 </h2>

Don’t miss any of the Merritt S.O.U.L. dates for the Spring Semester, 12-4 p.m., in D-144. Coming up are: 2/14, 2/28, 3/14 3/28, 4/11, 4/25, 5/9, and 5/23. Choose from fresh produce and often free small plants to grow your own produce courtesy of the Landscape Horticulture Department. Also once a month enjoy healthy snacks to sample while you shop! If you’d like to volunteer to help out, please contact Brandon Christian, Merritt S.O.U.L. Coordinator, at

For more information, go to the website at