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The Physics Program at Merritt College provides a variety of university-transferable physics courses. Whether you are preparing to transfer to a four-year institution with a major in one of the sciences, fulfilling a science requirement, or are just curious about the physical world around you, the right class is here for you.

Physics Courses at  Merritt College for Spring 2018 are as follows: 

Physics 2B – Dean Simmons
Lab will meet at 7-9:50  p.m. on Tuesdays
Lecture will be 6-7 p.m. Tuesdays
Lecture 6-8:50 p.m. Thursdays

Introductory physics version, without calculus, covering a comprehensive study of general physics: Mechanics, properties of matter, thermodynamics, heat, wave motion, and sound.

Physics 4B – Thomas Renbarger
Lab – 7-9:50 p.m. Mondays
Lab – 7-9:50 p.m. Wednesdays
Lecture – 5-6:50 p.m. Mondays
Lecture – 5-6:50 p.m. Wednesdays

Introductory physics, version with calculus covering a comprehensive study of major topics of physics: Motion, forces, gravity, energy, momentum, rotation, equilibrium, fluids, oscillations, waves, and sound.

Physics 10 – Introduction to Physics – J. Eastman
10:30-12:20 p.m. – Tuesdays & Thursdays
 Elementary introduction to field of physics: Mechanics, heat, electricity and magnetism, sound, optics, and modern physics. 

This class can be used as a basic introduction before enrolling in the 2 series or 4 series for those who have not had any physics in high school.

This class Does Not require Intermediate Algebra, Triginometry, or Calculus.

Always check with your counselor for your specific requirements.





Merritt College Physics Instructors

Tom Renbarger, Astronomy and Physics

Randy Smith, Astronomy


To contact the Physics Program, call Michele Bruni, Physics and Astronomy Technician, at  (510) 436-2601. Please leave your name and the date and time that you called.