To our Merritt Family.

A little more than a month ago, the District Office (with input from the respective college presidents) issued a statement condemning the increasingly pervasive racist and violent acts that our Asian American communities are experiencing. Unfortunately, this upswing in racial violence has not abated—the tragic and despicable murders committed in Atlanta bear that out (the suggestion of “potentially other motives” for the heinous act notwithstanding). Indeed, the crimes perpetrated there and across this nation underscore the need for us to not only express our full-throated condemnation of hatred, intolerance, and xenophobia, but to also take steps to actively confront racism at every turn. We cannot abide bigoted sentiments within our families and peer groups. We must speak out and stand up for each other when someone is being racially assailed. And we need to remember our common humanity as we support each other in our collective healing.

So in closing, let me be clear: Merritt College stands against any and every act of discrimination, racism, and/or violence—and hatred will never be tolerated in any sense

If you are interested in receiving support in terms of wellness and mental health, please see these links:

Take good care of yourselves and each other.

David M. Johnson, Ph.D.


Merritt College

(510) 436-2501