Merritt College Disability Definitions:

Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations defines the following disabilities for California Community Colleges.

1. Acquired Brain Impairment:
A verified deficit in brain functioning which results in a total or partial loss of cognitive, communicative, motor, psychosocial, and/or sensory perceptual abilities.

2. Communication Disability:
An impairment in the processes of speech, language, or hearing.

3. Developmentally Delayed Learner:
The developmentally delayed learner exhibits below average intellectual functioning and has potential for measurable achievement in instructional and employment settings.

4. Learning Disability:
A persistent condition of presumed neurological dysfunction which may exist with other disabling conditions and continues despite instruction in standard classroom situations. A student must exhibit:
• average to above average intellectual ability
• severe processing deficit(s)
• severe aptitude achievement discrepancy(cies)

5. Mobility Disability:
A visual impairment, mobility or orthopedic impairment, or other health impairment.

6. Psychological Disability (mental health):
A persistent, psychological or psychiatric disorder, or emotional or mental illness. The following are not included: sexual behavior disorders, compulsive behaviors, and psychoactive substance abuse.

7. Visual Disability:
A visual impairment.

8. Other Disabilities:
This category includes all students with disabilities who are not appropriate for any of the above categories and have a major life impairment and are in need of instruction and/or support, as verified by a Merritt College DSP Counselor.