What Exactly is Participatory Governance? Check It Out!
You’ve heard all about “participatory governance” but do you know what it means and how it affects you and the college? Now you can learn more about it in a cool animated video that was created as part of the Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative (IEPI) grant the college received a couple of years ago. As Nghiem Thai explains: “The purpose of the IEPI grant was to help focus our efforts on organizational improvement in several key areas, including integrated planning, outcomes assessment, institution-set standards, and participatory governance. One of the final activities funded by this grant was the production of an animated video illustrating the governance process at Merritt College. Thanks to the creative talents of Sheena Miraftabi, Marika Fleming, and Jessica Livingston–Berkeley City College Multimedia Arts students under the guidance of Professor Mary Clarke-Miller–I’m happy to present to you the finished product. A subtitled version shall be available shortly.”