Student Clubs Bring Merritt Community Together Beyond the Classroom; Support Their Events or Join Them!
Club Council officers and student club presidents gathered for the first time in the new year to discuss policies, procedures, and plans for coming events throughout the year. You will find the event details on this website, through flyers, and from other promotional methods throughout the semester. Please plan to attend these events to support their hard work in bringing together the Merritt community beyond the classroom.
Pictured: (Back row left to right): Brooklyn Crawford, Club Council Vice President, Montel Floyd, Club Council President; Dominique White, Club Council Secretary; Anamafi Halangahu, PURE Club; Danielle Spencer, Inter-Tribal Student Union; Jennifer Hughes, Ability Counts; Airion Boatner, Tobacco-Less Club; Dr. Herbert Kitchen, Director of Student Activities & Campus Life; (Front row): Jennifer Erazo, Criminal Justice Club; Spencer Staggers-Emore, Criminal Justice Club; Earthy Young; Street Scholars Club; Yilda Mac, Christian Fellowship; Paul Dunn, SULLY Club