Start Off On the Right Foot on Aug. 24: Learn How to be a Successful Student
From day one, learn how you can enjoy the college experience while being effective at the same time. By taking the class “College Success,” (COUN 24, 3 units), you can find out the key points that a will get you on your way to meeting your goals, including: time management, discovering your learning style, goal setting, writing an essay for scholarships, educational planning, and much more! The class starts on Monday, August 24, and is offered in three different sections as follows:
11-12:15 p.m., Tues/Thur., #43718, Dr. Rosa Perez, instructor
12-1:15 p.m., Mon/Wed, #43281, Carlos McLean
5:30 p.m.-8:20 p.m., Tues, #43282, Carlos McLean
(This course is transferrable to UC and CSU Area E Breadth Requirement)