Sheila Metcalf-Tobin Fulfills Her Dream as She Heads to Praque to Exhibit Her Art
Sheila Metcalf-Tobin will be leaving soon for Prague, Czech Republic, where she has the honor of being part of a six-woman art show, titled “She Spoke,” which will run from May 25-June 1. She will show three pieces of her large work (pictured right, titled Evolution Series: Speaking in Blooms, mixed media on paper and wood panels). The finished artwork is 6’x8’ but Sheila works on individual 2×3 panels so they can be easily shipped and then reassembled.She was invited to participate by Bay Area artist and instructor Jessica Serran leader of the “The Becoming Artist” Movement.
Sheila is thrilled to be part of the exhibition, not just as an artist, but in all aspects of her life. She says the whole trip, which will include traveling to other European countries, is a personal dream of hers. “It’s been a hidden desire in the recesses of my heart to be able to show my work internationally, so this is the beginning,”says Sheila. “The whole experience is exciting on so many different levels.”
As Sheila explains, there will be a lot of firsts for her: first time showing her work abroad,first time traveling alone, first time leaving her family for so long. (Her 13-year-old son jokes that she is “abandoning” him and his 8-year-old sister).
Beyond Prague, she will be traveling mostly on her own to see the work of her favorite artists in Berlin, Amsterdam, Vienna, and Venice, where the 57th La Biennale di Venezia Art Exhibition will be going on. She is especially excited to visit the Van Gogh Museum and Ann Frank House in Amsterdam. But she is also bit apprehensive about the three-week adventure.
“I’m nervous about leaving my family and traveling on my own, but I wanted to take this opportunity rather than waiting for someone else to go with me,” she says. “I also had to find ways to fund the trip, and I’m grateful for the support of the Professional Development Committee who helped me pay some of my travel expenses. I’m already thinking of all the ways I can share my experiences with my students when I return.”
—Susan May