Be Prepared: Participate in Great California Shake Out 10/20, 10:20 a.m.

Merritt College will join millions of others across the state and country as they prepare for an earthquake as a registered participant in this emergency training. The annual Great California Shake-Out Disaster Drill Training and Campus-Wide Evacuation will be held on Thursday, Oct. 20, at 10:20 a.m. Jon Murphy of Merritt’s Health and Safety Committee, has urged everyone to participate beginning by viewing the one-minute, mandatory video below under Step 1. The exercise will include evacuating the buildings following these instructions.
The Committee has chosen campus monitors and hallway moderators in all the buildings on campus who will meet for practice/preparation for the evacuation drill on Mondays, October 10 and 17. If others would like to play a proactive role to help, please show up on one or both days from 12 Noon to 1 p.m. in Q-218 (Business Office Conference Room).
Here are three easy steps to having a successful drill:
Step I.
All classes must view the mandatory Drop, Cover, and Hold Video here:
Step. II
Follow drill instructions on October 20th at 10:20 a.m.:
1 Fire Alarm Sounds
2. Everybody will perform the Drop, Cover, and Hold as instructed in the 1 minute video
3. Hold on until All Occupants are Directed that it safe to Evacuate Your Areas.
4. Wait for this Guidance to Evacuate your Buildings
5. Instructors: Take Personal Belongings with you
6. Instructors: Remind students to Take all belongings when exiting
7. Every Building Must Be Evacuated to the Outside Locations as
8. See attachment on the attached Evacuation 1 Pager-Schematic
Step III:
Return to buildings only after your Incident Command Team Member announces “All Clear for Re-entry.”
Additional Information about the importance of this drill:
Earthquake Historical and geological data substantiate that every city in California is within an area of potential major damage in the event of an earthquake of major magnitude. The exact time and place cannot be anticipated; therefore, disaster planning will help prevent or minimize the danger to life, property and equipment. Safeguarding the lives of employees and students is paramount; all will be immediately affected. Fear at the time of an earthquake may breed panic: this panic will account for more deaths and injuries than the earthquake itself. Therefore, calming personnel and preventing panic is critical. The magnitude and severity of damage to facilities as well as injuries will dictate the level of response.
Inside Building
• “Duck and Cover” (Drop, Cover, Hold)
• Stay away from windows, overhead fixtures and falling items
• Crouch under solid cover; desk, table or doorway
• Cover head with arms and protect face
• Remain calm
• Avoid exposed wires, pipes or other hazards
• Assess the situation when shaking has stopped
• Evacuate quickly and calmly to predetermined areas
• Take note of absent/injured and assist as directed
• If trained, disconnect electrical controls and turn off gas, if safely possible Outside Building
• Move away from structures and power lines
• Expect aftershocks
• Report to predetermined assembly areas, if possible
• Do not enter buildings until appropriate personnel has declared it safe KEEP CLEAR OF BUILDINGS UNTIL THEY ARE DECLARED SAFE BE PREPARED TO BE SELF SUFFICIENT FOR 48 HOURS OR MORE!