Enjoy the Artwork of Your Colleagues at the “The Art We Make”; See Schedule
Chris Grampp draws artistic “Meeting Doodles,” Jennifer Briffa designs Dia de los Muertos altars, Tara Marrero does “Coloring for Comfort from Anxiety.” They are among the 14 faculty and staff members who answered Sheila Metcalf-Tobin’s call to display their work in an exhibition, “The Art We Make,” currently being shown in the S-352 Gallery.
Though some of the exhibitors may not consider themselves “artists,” Sheila says that is precisely the reason she wanted them to show their work, as she eloquently explains: “The purpose of this exhibition is not just for those who create work that we think of as art, it is to gather us together in celebration around the human experience of creativity and making,” she says. Some of us have been lucky to have the opportunities to develop our creativity. Others may have been discouraged and stopped trying. This exhibition is meant to celebrate all that we make that may have brought us joy or perhaps a moment of peace. It is to celebrate however we individually define our art.”
Come and appreciate your colleagues’ work during the following schedule through November 27: Tuesdays, Noon-2 p.m.; Wednesdays 9:30-11:30 a.m.; Thursdays (1st and 3rd) 12-1 p.m. & 3-4 p.m.; or by appointment by contacting Sheila at smetcalftobin@peralta.edu.
Merritt artists, left to right: Pablo Villicana, Chris Grampp, Noel Fagerhaugh, Dan Lawson, Jennifer Briffa, Sheila Metcalf-Tobin, Maril Bull, LaShaune Fitch, Dianne Jones, Nghiem Thai. (Not pictured: Angela Khoo, Tara Marrero, Tomoko Nakazato, Sean Nash, and Saadi Shapiro.