Renew DACA Before the End of the Year
Earlier this week the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments from both sides about DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). The court will review whether the Trump Administration can end DACA. While there is no exact date for the Supreme Court decision, legal experts expect the decision to come in spring 2020, and no later than the end of June.
Merritt College and the Peralta Community College District remain steadfast in our support for undocumented citizens in our community. We are here to support you.
If you already have DACA status but it expires anytime in 2020, you are highly encouraged to renew your DACA ASAP by the end of 2019.
- You can renew your DACA if you had it in the past and it expired or was terminated
- You should talk with a trusted legal service provider before you renew if you had contact with law enforcement since your last renewal or if your DACA was terminated
- Unfortunately, those who have never had DACA still cannot apply to the program.
- Read NILC SCOTUS Scenarios for possible outcomes.
For more information, please visit: