Merritt Well Prepared for ACCJC Follow-Up Visit on November 9

Message from the President: As we anticipate the upcoming visit from the ACCJC Visiting Team on November 9, our shared goal for Merritt College is full reaffirmation of accreditation. With this in mind, we must reflect on our guiding principles and important mission, “to enhance the quality of life in the communities we serve by helping students to attain knowledge, master skills, and develop the appreciation, attitudes and values needed to succeed and participate responsibly in a democratic society and a global economy.” We seek to continuously demonstrate and model these standards of excellence both in our College and in our surrounding communities.
Accreditation is a necessary and important process that relies upon a peer evaluation system in which institutions participate in self-regulation and self-evaluation. The goals are to ensure overall educational quality and institutional effectiveness.
Merritt College is committed to these goals as reflected by the provision of quality education in a culturally rich, caring, and supportive learning environment where students are always our first priority. In an inclusive environment, Merritt College offers an array of options suited for everyone regardless of circumstance; including, continuance of post high school education, preparation for specialty careers, or taking classes for personal enrichment. We know that together here at Merritt College…we change lives!
See the complete Accreditation Follow-Up Report here.